500 Internal Server Error (417)

96 Name: Anonymous : 2007-02-15 06:33 ID:Heaven [Del]

you could try putting this in your config.pl:

use constant BOARD_DIR => '../imgboard/'; # set this to whatever directory you want to have the board in (relative to the directory where kareha.pl is).
use constant RES_DIR => BOARD_DIR.'res/';
use constant CSS_DIR => BOARD_DIR.'css/';
use constant IMG_DIR => BOARD_DIR.'src/';
use constant THUMB_DIR => BOARD_DIR.'thumb/';
use constant HTML_SELF => BOARD_DIR.'index.html';
use constant HTML_BACKLOG => BOARD_DIR.'subback.html';
use constant RSS_FILE => BOARD_DIR.'index.rss';
use constant JS_FILE => BOARD_DIR.'kareha.js';
use constant SPAM_FILES => (BOARD_DIR.'spam.txt');

and then putting include/, spam.txt, and all the .pl files in your cgi-bin directory.

note that the directory you put kareha.pl in needs to be writable for it to be able to write the log file.

i haven't tried this, but i'm pretty sure it should work...

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