Wakaba/Kareha on Dreamhost (71)

36 Name: Anonymous : 2007-10-04 19:30 ID:k3+OY/Ph [Del]

well, now i've got source images, thumbnails, and html res all on seperate subdomains from the actually board. DIDN'T REALIZE I'D HAVE TO EDIT SO MUCH STUFF TO GET IT ALL WORKING PROPERLY. lol but it's working great. :D

one of the only problems i'm experiencing right now is that the cookies aren't working properly. since threads are @ html.domain.net instead of domain.net/res/ the board is not using cookies to remember poster name, email, and such when in reply mode. i assume it's going to be a simple fix, but for the life of me i don't know where i need to look for this specific cookie problem.

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