Feature Request: Archive (11)

1 Name: cyrilthefish!ljAhqzG3aU 2005-02-20 19:38 ID:30QVRUU3 (Replies) [Del]

just wondering if this could be incorporated as an option: instead of pictures being deleted they get moved to an /archive/ directory instead.

you'd need extra config options for this i'd guess (ie. max archive size and so on) but it'd be very usefull

especially as imageboards use insane levels of bandwidth but hardly any diskpace, meaning this feature would be viable on most hosting plans

9 Name: Anonymous 2005-09-01 18:14 ID:68xC3OvC [Del]

Some ideas for what automated archiving in Kareha should be based on:

  • Number of posts in a thread (e.g. closing threads that get 1000 posts)
  • Filesize of a thread (e.g. closing after exceeding 512KB)
  • Some automatism that gets rid of old, dead threads by some kind of formula based on posting frequency of the board & ammount of time without activity in a given thread.
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