Non-image file posting (19)

1 Name: Anonymous 2005-02-18 11:03 ID:/w4mjhvP (Replies) [Del]

Wondering how to allow for uploading of other filetypes (mp3, swf, etc) for use with the different icons and disabling renaming them. Messing with ALLOW_UNKNOWN and MUNGE_UNKNOWN didn't work, so.

2 Name: hotaru!hoTarufiRE!!H0csnvz2 2005-02-18 11:45 ID:MHQJ2yeg (Replies) [Del]

FILETYPES is probably what you want... it's at the end of

3 Name: !WAHa.06x36 2005-02-18 11:52 ID:+DvzyTEq (Replies) [Del]

Yes. Some slightly older versions didn't have any useful examples for FILETYPES, but the latest versions do.

4 Name: Anonymous 2005-02-18 12:22 ID:/w4mjhvP (Replies) [Del]

Yeah, er. What do I do with it?

5 Name: !WAHa.06x36 2005-02-18 12:55 ID:PFZAWFjc (Replies) [Del]

Well, it should be fairly obvious from the examples in the newest config files.

6 Name: Anonymous 2005-02-18 13:03 ID:/w4mjhvP (Replies) [Del]

I'm looking at 2.0.4. If it was so obvious I wouldn't need to ask.

7 Name: !WAHa.06x36 2005-02-18 13:12 ID:PFZAWFjc (Replies) [Del]

Well, you have something like this:

use constant FILETYPES => (
mp3 => 'icons/audio-mp3.png',
ogg => 'icons/audio-ogg.png',
swf => 'icons/flash.png',

And then you make sure those image files exist in the icons/ directory. The rest should be magic.

8 Name: Anonymous 2005-02-18 13:20 ID:/w4mjhvP (Replies) [Del]

I tried that before, it sticks me with a 'file type not supported' message.

9 Name: Anonymous 2005-02-18 13:20 ID:/w4mjhvP (Replies) [Del]

File format, too.

10 Name: !WAHa.06x36 2005-02-18 13:39 ID:PFZAWFjc (Replies) [Del]

Oops, it seems there is a bug there. It'll work if you set ALLOW_UNKNOWN to 1, but not otherwise. This is not intended; I'll fix it and pack up a new version.

11 Name: Anonymous 2005-02-18 13:46 ID:/w4mjhvP (Replies) [Del]

Aha, there it goes. But.. it's not showing the icons.

12 Name: Anonymous 2005-02-18 13:48 ID:/w4mjhvP (Replies) [Del]

Ah.. I got it. Need to set it as extras/icons/blah.png, it's only icons/blah.png by default.

13 Name: Anonymous 2005-02-18 13:49 ID:/w4mjhvP (Replies) [Del]

Or, well, move /icons/. Blah.

14 Name: !WAHa.06x36 2005-02-18 13:55 ID:Heaven (Replies) [Del]

15 Name: Anonymous 2005-09-01 08:31 ID:Ww6k/kIm [Del]

Kareha 2.03 still exhibits this bug...

also (whilst i'm here and people may read the gripes)

  1. The "manage" link doesnt appear on any pages.

2. The default password is the admin password! Any user can just go to any page, tick the box next to any post, and click the bottom "Delete" button. PAFF! its gone.

16 Name: !WAHa.06x36 2005-09-01 09:45 ID:VqwL/TXQ [Del]

> Kareha 2.03 still exhibits this bug...

Yes, I know, it's supposed to be fixed in the mythical next update.

> 1. The "manage" link doesnt appear on any pages.
> 2. The default password is the admin password! Any user can just go to any page, tick the box next to any post, and click the bottom "Delete" button. PAFF! its gone.

Uh, neither of those should be true. Especially not the second. I think you are definitely being confused there.

17 Name: !WAHa.06x36 2005-09-01 16:58 ID:Heaven [Del]

Actually, if you're running in mode_image, the first is true because there is no management page in Kareha. You delete stuff by putting the admin password in the password entry for the delete button.

18 Name: Anonymous 2005-09-03 04:29 ID:Ww6k/kIm [Del]

>>16 and >>17

yep, i'm running mode_image and i've figured out that i'm a complete idiot because the password was being stored in my cookie and so appeared like the "default" password.

Re filetypes: i've just bitten the bullet and turned on Allow Unknown for now

thanks for the help!

19 Name: !WAHa.06x36 2005-09-03 04:39 ID:VqwL/TXQ [Del]


Fixing the bug is actually easy, if only I could remember the exact line. Find the one that does a make_error() with the filetype error message, and change an or to a ||. I think.

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