Multiple images per post? (30, permasaged)

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2 Name: Albright!LC/IWhc3yc 2005-01-23 06:57 ID:h2LNK0K9 (Replies) [Del]

Is there something inherently wrong with being able to upload more than one image per post? Not necessarily with Wakaba, but with image boards in general. Perhaps something like this was tried somewhere in the past, and it didn't work out, due to being too much of a server load, or...? To me, it seems like a fairly straightforward thing to implement (if you know what I mean).

Ochiba lets you upload ZIP archives of images, but then it just creates a new post for each image.

3 Name: !WAHa.06x36 2005-01-23 07:58 ID:T12nv1b8 (Replies) [Del]

Well, there are issues of organizing and abbreviating... You don't necessarily want to show a hundred images on one page, and if they're all in one post, figuring out how to hide them is a bit more complicated, although of course not impossible.

I think the real argument, though, is that image boards are for discussions of images, not image sets. The mentality of thinking in image sets is more for porn collection than for the kind of visual culture we might want to encourage.

4 Name: Anonymous 2005-01-23 15:57 ID:Heaven (Replies) [Del]

>>2 did that before they died. It was a pretty neat way to trade complete sets (of porn in this case).

5 Name: h3!hcube5iNfc 2005-01-23 16:36 ID:JmGou3q9 (Replies) [Del]

>Ochiba lets you upload ZIP archives of images, but then it just creates a new post for each image.

To clarify: it will post all images in the same thread, by default, but there is a checkbox you can unclick to make it post each in a different thread.

Also: the zip handling is a restricted feature, and I put it in for use of ochiba in "photo album" mode (Gallery has this, for example) and is not generally advised for use in "image board" mode. I think the biggest reason why such a feature would be a bad idea for an open image board is that it opens up an avenue for some serious mischief.

>The mentality of thinking in image sets is more for porn collection

I disagree with this. Take a look through any of wakachan's image boards and anytime someone posted a few images to a thread, they could've been spared some work by being able to upload multiple files in one fell swoop, rather than doing the little submit-wait-hit reply-wait-submit dance (where oops! They forgot to click the "Reply" link and now that post went to another thread).

There are interface issues, though. How you could allow multiple file uploading while still providing a way to specify a comment for each is the most significant that comes to mind, because you still want to encourage the discussion aspect.

6 Name: Albright!LC/IWhc3yc 2005-01-23 21:10 ID:+I9Jmqyj (Replies) [Del]

>I think the biggest reason why such a feature would be a bad idea for an open image board is that it opens up an avenue for some serious mischief.

Could you specify?

I also disagree with the "only for pr0n" stance. Examples where someone wanted to post a series of non-pr0n-related pictures, yet they had to do so one at a time, are not hard to find:

7 Name: h3!hcube5iNfc 2005-01-24 02:36 ID:JmGou3q9 (Replies) [Del]

>Could you specify?

Nothing in particular, just a general pessimistic view on how things work on the Internet. Simplifying the posting of multiple images is at odds with the need to protect against abusive floods, for example.

In the specific case of using zip files (or something similar, rather than multiple HTML file inputs), you are also now opening yourself to potentially harmful payloads in those files. What if there are a jillion files in that zip? Or something crafted to overflow the buffer of the unzip application? Etc.

It's not impossible to build something to handle multiple-file posting, but hardening it is more work and, for me personally, not much fun. And then, you get to the cultural shifts that might occur, too, as WAHa alluded to.

8 Name: Anonymous 2005-01-24 07:30 ID:Heaven (Replies) [Del]

Let's all be honest here, though: The exchange of multiple sets is mostly used for porn or hentai stuff. In all other instances there's mostly a website of an artist or somesuch where the rest of the images you are posting from can be found and where it suffices to link to that site.

9 Name: Anonymous 2005-01-24 22:06 ID:Heaven (Replies) [Del]

It sounds like a small upload board or something would be more suitable for this. I'm not sure it's actually needed, though.

10 Name: Anonymous 2005-01-27 09:21 ID:Heaven (Replies) [Del]

Vote for an upload board HERE!:

I'd share a lot through that because I don't have the time or patience to set up a torrent or upload files one by one.

11 Name: Anonymous 2005-09-30 13:58 ID:SBUBiNFS [Del]

>it suffices to link to that site

Not when you are posting the images for translation. It's would be easier to have image sets since the website of the artist... wait... it's pirated scans. Forget what I said.

The reason I bring this thread up is because it has the word "post" in it and I want to ask a question about that. 95% of the time after I post something I go back down to that thread and look at my post. What would I have to hack to make the script scroll down to the post on the index page after posting?

12 Name: Anonymous 2005-09-30 14:04 ID:Heaven (Image: 205x57 jpg, 2 kb) [Del]

src/1128110662539.jpg: 205x57, 2 kb

... and one more thing. How do I lower the probability of my ID being something really really gross. (pic: example of one of my posts)

13 Name: test 2005-09-30 14:15 ID:Heaven [Del]


I don't get it.

14 Name: Anonymous 2005-09-30 14:26 ID:Heaven [Del]

I agree with other people that multiple images is useful and not just for porn... but

Related to >>11, most of the time I post I want to keep that tab open so I can refresh it so I end up with duplicate tab, post, close the tab after it reloads the front page or hitting back... any way to have it just reload the thread's page when posting?

15 Name: !WAHa.06x36 2005-09-30 15:10 ID:wHalYNKv [Del]


Hmm, I guess you'd have to hack the template to add anchors for each post based on the post number, and make the posting function forward to the front page's URL plus the anchor for the post just made.


Maybe there's some surgical procedure that will remove your ability to see patterns in everything, as humans are wont to do?

16 Name: Anonymous 2005-10-01 00:16 ID:Heaven [Del]

> What would I have to hack to make the script scroll down to the post on the index page after posting?

Sounds like something for a 2chbrowser/ffextension thingy...

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22 Name: Anonymous : 2012-03-10 12:59 ID:pmJtuapb [Del]

i wanna add a multi file upload to some boards like, /h/, but not in some boards like /b/ some one have this in your IB?

23 Name: Anonymous : 2012-04-17 12:14 ID:QvNsYafq [Del]

any help/patch on how to allow multiple image uploads?

24 Name: Anonymous : 2012-05-12 21:49 ID:Heaven [Del]

Yeah, rewrite the entire upload system.

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30 Name: Agen SBOBET Taruhan Judi Bola Tangkas Terpercaya Indonesia : 2016-03-19 01:35 ID:/4ccZ574 [Del]

Here I can learn a lot about multiple images per post. Thaks..

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