that thing won't generate any pic and if i go to properties of the broken picture i get
Undefined subroutine &main::table_exists called at line 193, <FILE> line 3.
help pls
Oops. That's a bug. My bad.
This new version fixes it. This only applies to when creating a new board, so no need for anyone else to upgrade.
> 1 Name: Robert 2004-12-12 14:57 ID:Heaven
> 2 Name: !WAHa.06x36 2004-12-12 15:17 ID:7chr8aGa
> 3 Name: Robert 2004-12-12 15:21 ID:Heaven
This was quite possibly the fastest support exchange that has ever happened on this board.
Hmm. I thought I could save myself some effort and just upload the files that had been fixed, but they're all the same size and edit date as the 1209 release, (except is gone). What am I missing?
Um, should be the only file that has changed. It definitely shouldn't be GONE...