Tripcode method? (47, permasaged)

18 Name: Albright!LC/IWhc3yc 2004-11-07 22:51 ID:xulp4INw [Del]

>>16: Perhaps do not parse all lines that begin with a space (and display them in monospaced font as well)? I believe Wikipedia does something similar to that.

>>14: I hate you. :P Good work. Using "chr" never occurred to me. One anomaly that I'm finding with that method is that the base 64 string always ends with "==" for some reason, but that's not much of an issue since we're only using the first eight characters of it anyway. Thank you.



$x = md5($s);
for($i=0;$i<32;$i+=2) {
$a = hexdec(substr($x,$i,2));
$bin .= chr($a);
$x = base64_encode($bin);

$y=exec('perl -e \'use Digest::MD5 qw(md5_base64);print md5_base64("'.$secret.$stuff[2].'");\'');

echo $x." ".$y;

x8B08Fuu76D3Edrp1uMPwQ== x8B08Fuu76D3Edrp1uMPwQ

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