Features (36)

1 Name: !WAHa.06x36 2004-11-01 19:04 ID:Heaven [Del]

I've been thinking about what features one might want in the Wakaba and Kareha scripts that go beyond what is offered in the usual Futaba- and 2ch-style scripts. I'm not talking about any fundamental changes, or big and flashy things, but the sort of small touches that are appreciated by the sophisticated and intelligent patrons of image and message boards.

Yeah, the elitist features.

One thing I might do is add some Markdown-like functionality (http://daringfireball.net/projects/markdown/). Are there other suggestions? Note that I am mainly thinking of features that are useful for posters here, not for leechers.

2 Name: Sling!myL1/SLing 2004-11-01 19:21 ID:YoaCFzaQ [Del]

I have been wishing for a spellchecker... :)

3 Name: !WAHa.06x36 2004-11-01 20:14 ID:YHrbqpcQ [Del]

This is not a bad idea, but the amount of work involved for me is larger than the amount of work to just try and spell correctly, so I think that kills it.

...but it would be funny to make it (optionally) not allow posts until they pass the spell check.

4 Name: Sling!myL1/SLing 2004-11-01 21:30 ID:YoaCFzaQ [Del]

Yeah. ^^
Or underline/color all spelling errors. ^^
"_zomg_ this _iz_ _teh_ _rei_!"
Nah, almost everything would end underlined.

5 Name: Sling!myL1/SLing 2004-11-01 21:33 ID:YoaCFzaQ [Del]

And にほんご would fail too...

6 Name: Sling!myL1/SLing 2004-11-01 21:35 ID:YoaCFzaQ [Del]

Maybe a wakaba version number.
Some of the boards here have the no-refresh bug, for example.

7 Name: George Broppermadge 2004-11-02 06:50 ID:69krYd2w [Del]

A crude translator would be nice. Would it be possible to pipe the stuff through babelfish?

8 Name: asciic!gy8a4NxnD2 2004-11-02 10:12 ID:jh2Wz0oA [Del]

"Error: Duplicate file entry detected."
could include a link to the existing file or thread.

9 Name: h-cube!h3/bEAAN16!!gDWGntLS 2004-11-03 05:03 ID:QrjQk+6g [Del]

In order of expected difficulty, some ideas off the top of my head:

Toothpaste for Wakaba. More stylesheets in general. Make thread replies line up consistently instead of clearing the parent's float and staggering - makes for easier visual separation of threads. Time zone pref so times are reported in user's preferred time zone. Or, at least, "current time is" so I don't have to try to figure out what time zone the timestamps are in. "Ignore thread" option. Virtual board "/my/" where you can save threads/images you like or want to track. "NSFW" flag (will require active moderators to be effective).

Does wakaba already have an administrative option to set size of thumbnails? They are rather large across wakachan sites - smaller=less bandwidth.

OK, so some of those are "fundamental changes".

10 Name: Simon Huckleshaw 2004-11-03 16:13 ID:Td7aGVaA [Del]

Could I suggest an easier way for admin's to delete whole threads?

Also, I'm not a big fan of using javascript for admin stuff.

11 Name: Sling!myL1/SLing 2004-11-03 16:55 ID:9E3l4N8w [Del]

>Does wakaba already have an administrative option to set size of thumbnails? They are rather large across wakachan sites - smaller=less bandwidth.

In my experience if the thumbs are too small I have to click to see what the image is about, even if I may not care for the pic. Meaning wasted b/w.

12 Name: h-cube!h3/bEAAN16!!gDWGntLS 2004-11-04 09:25 ID:h3mVkXjg [Del]

>In my experience if the thumbs are too small I have to click to see what the image is about

Sure - I call this this "5chan effect". Still the thumbnails for replies are smaller than the parent, and those don't garner complaints for being too small, so there does seem a range there to find that balance.

Another suggestion: for kareha (which I rather like), hide the posting form at the bottom of each thread until requested. It uses up a lot of real estate on a page of many threads.

13 Name: h-cube!h3/bEAAN16!!gDWGntLS 2004-11-04 10:29 ID:h3mVkXjg [Del]

Oooh, I got another one for kareha: NNTP gateway.

Because really, if you stop to think about it...

Oh never mind.

14 Name: Simon Huckleshaw 2004-11-04 13:10 ID:awUVJhpQ [Del]

RSS Feeds for Kareha?

Hey shit, I could make that myself. Just make a script read the /res/ folder, and fill in the details with the data within, only listing the first 10 or so threads.

15 Name: !WAHa.06x36 2004-11-04 15:30 ID:cfUxxotA [Del]


Not a bad idea, I'll try to look into that when I get back to work on wakaba.


First of all, I'd like to re-write the whole wakaba HTML in properly structured XHTML. Right now it's imitating Futallaby's upgrade of Futaba's big old mess. The only problem is that IE doesn't support the display: table style, so I can't reliably reproduce the current look, which is loved by many. I want stylesheet switching, but before that I would have to guarantee that the original style is in there.

Also, at one point I implemented a simple killfile for 4chan that would let you hide threads and posts by specific users, as a Firefox extension. I'm thinking I could maybe resurrect that as a feature integrated into Wakaba.


You can go to the "All threads" screen, and select "Manage" to delete and permasage threads.


Personally, I like having it RIGHT THERE so I can post immediately, but some people don't like it. I'm thinking I could implement hiding it in Javascript, and make it an option. We'll see.


Adding an RSS feed would be as easy as writing a template for it, and duplicating the code that makes the subback.html file (a couple of lines). Not a bad idea.

16 Name: Sling!myL1/SLing 2004-11-04 22:32 ID:nNE0NdHw [Del]

>Still the thumbnails for replies are smaller than the parent, and those don't garner complaints for being too small,

Actually, I find the reply pics on 4chan way too small.
iichan was sort of okay but if i had a good pic I would post a pic/a thread because of the in-thread shrink effect. Or at least put the pic on the top.
If you want to save b/w you could do what some boards do: compress more the jpgs. Tho, at one point the compression becomes so awful that it's like there is no thumb at all. ^^;
On the other side of the spectrum you have boards that inline all the pics!!! Now THAT is waste.

17 Name: h-cube!h3/bEAAN16!!gDWGntLS 2004-11-05 10:51 ID:wFb0h2ng [Del]

>compress more the jpgs. Tho, at one point the compression becomes so awful that it's like there is no thumb at all.

Oh, no, wait. *THAT'S* the "5chan effect".

18 Name: Sling!myL1/SLing 2004-11-05 15:51 ID:nNE0NdHw [Del]

>Oh, no, wait. *THAT'S* the "5chan effect".

Is it? Well, maybe.
Me when I think 5chan I get a mental image of black text over a dark background, thus illegible. And tons of "you are a moron" subliminal messages, like "This is a thumbnail image. Clicking the thumbnail will enlarge the image to full size. If the picture is a GIF, there is a remote possible possiblility that the image is animated, meaning a sequence of pictures will play in a sequential sequence. In the case you haven't understood the above, the same message is repeated on the top of this page. Now you may proceed by clicking the image, which is accomplished by using the mouse, unless you are using a puck. In the case you don't know what a puck is..."

19 Name: Anonymous 2004-11-07 18:17 ID:Heaven [Del]

> for kareha (which I rather like), hide the posting form at the bottom of each thread until requested. It uses up a lot of real estate on a page of many threads.

Not my cup of tea. If it gets implemented, I'd rather have this being a hassle of deactivating the comment field than activating it.

20 Name: !WAHa.06x36 2004-11-07 19:07 ID:Heaven [Del]

If I implement this, showing the reply form will be the default. There would then be an option to turn on automatic hiding, if you want it.

21 Name: Anonymous 2005-09-01 18:03 ID:We7RDhxN [Del]

Didn't feel like creating a new thread for this, so here goes:

I'd like Kareha to conform more to 0ch in regard of navigating/showing posts.

I.e. navigation links should also be at the bottom of each thread, except the "First 100" link be replaced with "Previous 100"&"Next 100" links. Should make browsing through threads easier, I think.

I would also like for the first post ALWAYS showing up except when supressed with "n" in the URL. Example of what I mean:

Default l50 links in the thread list would be nifty. I hate having to reload an entire big thread when I would just be content reading the latest few posts - and now I have to click the l50 link manually each time. That's kind of inconvenient.

Oh yeah, and a fusianasan feature would be awesome although it's not really important.

22 Name: Anonymous 2005-09-01 18:05 ID:We7RDhxN [Del]

> I would also like for the first post ALWAYS showing up except when supressed with "n" in the URL. Example of what I mean:

PS: I am advocating this since the first post usually gives more (and sometimes substantial) information on what the thread is about than just the title and it's pretty useful to have it show up by default.

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28 Name: Anonymous : 2008-05-13 16:50 ID:Heaven [Del]

This is not a general support board for installing imageboards; and regardless, this is certainly the wrong thread.

29 Name: Anonymous : 2008-05-23 14:05 ID:LEXd2zln [Del]

How about an antispam feature that blocks posts with more than five links?

30 Name: !WAHa.06x36 : 2008-05-23 14:43 ID:Heaven [Del]

Many, many legitimate posts contain more than five links, and many, many spam posts contain less.

31 Name: Anonymous : 2008-05-24 11:37 ID:LEXd2zln [Del]

I rarely see legitimate posts that are a mass of links. Besides, human posters will realize why they were blocked and adjust, a robospammer won't.

Another good anti-spam feature would be a blocker that checks for identical links in multiple fields. It's an unnecessary eyesore even when it's a legitimate poster doing it.

32 Name: Anonymous : 2008-05-24 12:14 ID:Heaven [Del]

Perhaps a admin adjustable setting that by default is 20-30?

33 Name: !WAHa.06x36 : 2008-05-24 14:32 ID:Heaven [Del]


It's much better to use hidden fields and check for anything in them. Which is already done.


That would only block a fraction of spam.

34 Name: Anonymous : 2008-07-10 15:32 ID:NEFYWckB [Del]

How about RSS for wakaba? I'm not sure if I've seen this discussed here before or not. Any ideas on how to implement this?

35 Name: Anonymous : 2008-08-05 01:10 ID:SsPpIPaH [Del]

Can you implement mode_message in Wakaba, or at least the handy thread index at the top from it?
Kareha uses too much CPU.

36 Name: !WAHa.06x36 : 2008-08-05 06:00 ID:Heaven [Del]


No. Mode_message uses a lot more than just a thread index, which Wakaba doesn't implement.

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