Converting posts beginning with wide space to Monafont (12)

1 Name: Anonymous : 2010-12-10 17:40 ID:Heaven [Del]

Let's discuss this feature.

Basically, if your post begins with a wide space commonly used in Japanese text art, all of the text that follows is converted to show up in text art font, such as Monafont.

Information about this wide space:

I've tried implementing this feature on my text board but I've ran into some problems, such as:

  1. You can't remove all leading whitespace from the post because this method requires leading whitespace.
  2. Not all SJIS text art begins with wide spaces.

Notwithstanding these issues, it still has these advantages:

  1. The majority of SJIS text art DOES begin with wide spaces.
  2. Posting of SJIS art with minimum required effort from the user.

However, I've also thought of another idea that solves the two aforementioned problems. Instead of activating SJIS art font with a wide space, activate it with unique symbols. For example, using @@ at the beginning of the post triggers the effect.

  1. Using unique non-whitespace symbols solves the issue of being allowed to remove all leading whitespace.
  2. It also solves the problem of text art that doesn't begin with wide space.
  3. It also maintains the advantage of allowing the user to post SJIS art with minimum required effort.

Obviously, using a unique symbol requires more effort than using no symbol at all, other than the art itself. I'm my opinion this is a very small sacrifice to make in exchange to being able to trigger the font conversion for anything, whether it starts with wide space or not.

Even so, I'm still a little on the fence about these. What do you guys think about the possibilities?

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