New PHP textboard script (7)

1 Name: Anonymous : 2009-09-27 10:32 ID:PGJ7vLms [Del]



* Automatic account creation. ATBBS users can easily keep track of their post history, settings, watched topics, etc., without needing to manually register.
* A clean, dynamic user interface (unlike Kareha, Kusaba, and Shiichan).


Do you like it? How could it be improved?

2 Name: Anonymous : 2009-09-27 11:29 ID:ypA0jUZE [Del]

Where can I download it?

3 Name: Anonymous : 2009-09-27 11:45 ID:PGJ7vLms [Del]

It'll be released at shortly. The moderation system needs to be touched up first.

4 Name: Anonymous : 2009-09-27 22:40 ID:Heaven [Del]


  • Can't read threads without clicking on them individually.
  • Basically an AnonT*lk ripoff.
  • Fails for all the same reasons.

5 Name: Anonymous : 2009-09-28 10:35 ID:PGJ7vLms [Del]


> Can't read threads without clicking on them individually.

As opposed to Kareha, which more or less forces you to read every thread, whether it interests you or not, over and over again.

> Fails for all the same reasons.

Such as?

6 Name: Anonymous : 2009-09-30 19:55 ID:jRVlHxmI [Del]

This is awesome just for the fact that this script running anywhere will piss off the Anontulk Sysop.

>>1 you are the ultimate troll.

7 Name: anonymous : 2009-09-30 22:47 ID:9x/7ibfc [Del]

when in a turn of events, anon realises that >>1 is in fact, the one and only Kimmo Alm!


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