Best IMG Board Script?? (253)

1 Name: kiubokiucabonos? : 2008-10-25 18:50 ID:XSwkvfKH [Del]

hi, i have an img board and i have kusaba on it, but now i want to change it... what's the best and more powerful? with anti-spam and all the good things???


108 Post deleted by user.

109 Name: Anonymous : 2009-06-11 22:50 ID:f+65S6tz [Del]


back to bed, sparky

110 Name: Anonymous : 2009-06-25 15:43 ID:Heaven [Del]


get out

111 Name: Anonymous : 2009-06-26 07:31 ID:Heaven [Del]


<@ḾL> Sparks is pig disgusting!

112 Name: !!+ktRbc0C : 2010-04-15 13:26 ID:HJDReVKx [Del]


113 Name: Anonymous : 2010-08-03 02:23 ID:k9rzBpwo [Del]

Bumping the thread for great justice

114 Name: Anonymous : 2010-08-17 10:25 ID:Heaven [Del]

I'm using PyIB, I implemented a lot of stuff including textboards.

115 Name: gfhgfd : 2010-09-07 05:16 ID:QpUQkJ+K [Del]


116 Name: Anonymous : 2010-09-13 19:59 ID:uld9+NDa [Del]

Yotsubanome FTW!!!!!!11!!!11!!1111!!!!!!111!!1!!1111!!!!!!!1!!111!!11111!!!111one!!!!111!11111!!!!!!!!!!!1!!1!!!!!!!!1!1!!!!!11!1!!1!!!!!!!111!!!!1!!!11!oneone!!!!!!11!1!!!11!1!!1!!!1!!111111!!!!!!!!!!!!!!11!!1!!!1!1!two!!!!!!!!1!!!!2!!!!!!2!2!!!!!!!!1!!1!!!!!!!!6!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!3$#3!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!4465786875645!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1!!1!!!!#$@$#345#58465965!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!nigger!!!!!!1!1!1!penis!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!11!!1&nbsp;!!!!!1!11!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1!1!!!!!!!!!!!1111111!1!11!11!1!11!1!!!!!&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;!!!!!111!11!1!1!1!!1!!yotsubanome!!!!!!!11!11111!!!!!!!1!1$!1!!!!!!!1!!1!!@!!!!!!!1!!!!!!!1!!18!u!uX1!1!!!!!!!1!1!1

117 Name: Anonymous : 2010-09-16 09:36 ID:Heaven [Del]

HOW is this shitty thread getting 100+ replies?

118 Name: Anonymous : 2010-10-15 23:05 ID:KR5ZI8XK [Del]

PyIB is out and running on 888chan's brother VortexChan.

119 Name: Anonymous : 2010-11-01 07:11 ID:Heaven [Del]

PyIB has been out a long time and VortexChan has too few dildos is a pile of shit. It doesn't look like it even supports UTF-8 properly.

120 Name: Trevor : 2010-11-07 16:08 ID:Qhm+82Yn [Del]

Holy shit, people are still using my imageboard software? I stopped working on those projects ages ago

121 Name: Anonymous : 2010-11-07 18:36 ID:PnPfjfBU [Del]

Because there is nothing else being actively developed and released publicly other than Wakaba, and last time I checked its missing a capable sitewide post and user management system.

122 Name: Anonymous : 2010-11-07 23:44 ID:Heaven [Del]

Good decision, it was shit anyway.

123 Name: Anonymous : 2011-01-03 10:59 ID:5wq+tXX0 [Del]

what the fuck does moot use ?

124 Name: Anonymous : 2011-01-03 14:18 ID:Heaven [Del]

> missing a capable sitewide post and user management system.

you say that like it's a bad thing. there's something to be said for not having a million empty boards on your site.

125 Name: Anonymous : 2011-01-19 02:22 ID:LO6LSz7g [Del]

126 Name: Anonymous : 2011-01-19 03:03 ID:LO6LSz7g [Del]

Let's list them, scripts (actively developed/released publicly):
Wakaba (Perl)
Kusaba X (PHP)
Orphereus (Python)
PyIB (Python)
Kotoba (PHP)
TinyIB (PHP)
Ochan (Java)
Wakarimasen (Python)

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129 Name: Anonymous : 2011-03-12 07:44 ID:A4chyrBa [Del]

In addition to >>126 list:
Pixmicat! (PHP)
Derived from Futaba, has template engine and modular architecture, internationalization (English(US), Chinese(Taiwan) and Japanese), wrappers that enable switching data source, file storage method and thumbnail maker

130 Name: Anonymous : 2011-03-18 15:20 ID:nvWb+9Kz [Del]

Actually savetheinternet of Tinychan is working on software called Tinyboard.

131 Post deleted by moderator.

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133 Name: Anonymous : 2011-03-24 21:16 ID:0whs5mor [Del]

134 Name: Anonymous : 2011-04-15 02:37 ID:AUd0e0rS [Del]

I decided to go with Wakaba for my site, and so far its working beautifully. All it needed was a little modification, and it became the most stable image board I've ever run.

135 Name: Anonymous : 2011-04-15 23:06 ID:1Q09MyAY [Del]

Please excuse my interruption, but would you be able to think of a similar list but for textboard software?

136 Name: vocalon!!58Fj0405 : 2011-04-16 08:09 ID:nvWb+9Kz [Del]

Shiichan, REchan, and Kareha are the only ones I know., which can be fixed to a usable basis by opening admin.php, CTRL+Fing "$this" and replacing it with "$shit",, the Futallaby of textboards.
And then Kareha.

137 Name: Anonymous : 2011-04-16 16:10 ID:C2RT7A7u [Del]

Well, as >>136 said, also Kusaba X has a textboard feature and there should be a Japanese script similar in appearance to boards, dunno the name.

138 Name: vocalon!!58Fj0405 : 2011-04-16 17:04 ID:nvWb+9Kz [Del]

Yes, but using Kusaba X is like fucking a goat with its own horns.

139 Name: Anonymous : 2011-04-16 18:25 ID:1Q09MyAY [Del]

Why are you impersonating a Tinychan poster with posts full of rage?

140 Name: vocalon!!58Fj0405 : 2011-04-16 20:59 ID:nvWb+9Kz [Del]

I'm not, lol.
And my posts aren't full of rage, they're just in all caps.

141 Name: Anonymous : 2011-04-17 23:36 ID:Heaven [Del]

142 Name: Anonymous : 2011-04-18 04:57 ID:NJxqJE4L [Del]

Link is dead.

143 Name: Anonymous : 2011-04-18 14:42 ID:Heaven [Del]

It's not now. If ever it's "down", it's only temporary.

144 Name: Anonymous : 2011-05-07 13:44 ID:Heaven [Del]

Another addition to >>126 list:
Ha Chan (PHP)
also flatfile

145 Post deleted by moderator.

146 Name: Mr. Manager!!wIZhSe8U : 2011-08-11 12:02 ID:hefGSkbx [Del]

So. Its August 2011. And there are new featureful PHP image board scripts that aren't based off Trevorchan. Does Wakaba still hold the title of best image board script ever?

147 Name: Anonymous : 2011-08-15 11:52 ID:Heaven [Del]


148 Name: Mr. Manager!!wIZhSe8U : 2011-08-16 10:37 ID:hefGSkbx [Del]

Care to tell me why? I need to know I'm making the right choice.

149 Name: Anonymous : 2011-08-16 15:25 ID:Heaven [Del]


Go to bed, WaHa

150 Name: GuyInABox!!ui/iypch : 2011-08-16 18:08 ID:KkOuq9SW [Del]

I don't think Wakaba is the best, I feel there are features missing from it that I'd really like, that, and it's written in Perl, which my host doesn't support.

If Kusaba X tried to be less like Trevorchan then I would make it my first choice.

151 Name: Anonymous : 2011-08-16 19:17 ID:Heaven [Del]

Wakaba is the best because it does what it says on the box, has a decent subset of features, a sane default config and is dead simple to set up. Scripts like Tinyboard are nice, but are way too complicated to set up IMO, and encourage Kusaba-like incidents where 13-year-old boys download the script, install it on free hosting, create 40 or 50 boards and proclaim their site "the new 4chan".

On the other hand, Wakaba is terribly messy code-wise, and it really does make me wish there were better alternatives.

>and it's written in Perl, which my host doesn't support.

Your host sucks.

152 Name: GuyInABox!!ui/iypch : 2011-08-16 20:39 ID:KkOuq9SW [Del]

Maybe my host does suck, but the lack of Perl isn't a big loss for me anyway, since I prefer PHP.

I do have a Kusaba X powered website, with boards that are already on 4chan (only 5/6 boards, not counting the three crappily translated boards, including a secret mod board), although I just put up mine because I had nothing better to do, also, calling a site "The new 4chan", that's a good reason to avoid it.

153 Name: Mr. Manager!!wIZhSe8U : 2011-08-17 13:52 ID:hefGSkbx [Del]


>terribly messy code-wise

I invested in Wakaba because I was told the exact opposite. I was under the impression that Trevorchan-based boards were messier, and in effect were much slower and unstable. Am I misunderstand you?

154 Name: Anonymous : 2011-08-18 04:41 ID:Heaven [Del]

Most of it (the stuff you typically hack away on) is really clean and easy to read and understand, but is black magic in its purest form. Here's an example:

if($name eq 'var') { $code.='$res.=eval{'.$args.'};' }
elsif($name eq 'const') { my $const=eval $args; $const=~s/(['\\])/\\$1/g; $code.='$res.=\''.$const.'\';' }
elsif($name eq 'if') { $code.='if(eval{'.$args.'}){' }
elsif($name eq 'loop')
{ $code.='my $__a=eval{'.$args.'};if($__a){for(@$__a){my %__v=%{$_};my %__ov;for(keys %__v){$__ov{$_}=$$_;$$_=$__v{$_};}' }

Looks pretty, right?

Trevorchan/Kusaba isn't particularly messy, but suffers from many other issues.

155 Name: Anonymous : 2011-09-03 11:27 ID:Qh/It0Fy [Del]

I've found Wakaba to be somewhat slow, has a bug or two, and a real bitch to setup/config. I prefer TinyIB.

156 Name: ᴍʀ. ᴠɪʟᴇ!PRoGN.piPE : 2011-09-03 17:13 ID:Heaven [Del]

157 Name: Anonymous : 2011-09-03 22:00 ID:Heaven [Del]

There are no known bugs in Wakaba which affect the management panel or the user experience, and it's definitely not "slow" or "a real bitch to setup/config".

That said, TinyIB is probably better suited for idiots who have no clue what they're doing.

158 Name: Mr. Manager!!wIZhSe8U : 2011-09-04 08:40 ID:95NodajM [Del]

Is there any real world data to show if its faster than any of the other scripts?

159 Name: Anonymous : 2011-09-11 10:54 ID:CDmAaSfe [Del]

Of course not, they're Wakaba users. Their script is the ABSOLUTE DQN QUALITY BEST. You should kill yourself for even asking.

160 Name: Anonymous : 2011-09-11 22:15 ID:Heaven [Del]

Is there any real word data to show if it's slower?

Also, Obama's not a bad president, Jews did 9/11, Justin Bieber is actually Kim Jong Il pretending to be a girl, and Bin Laden is still alive and hiding in Iran. Your anti-Kusaba conspiracy theories aren't going to convince anyone around here.

161 Name: Anonymous : 2011-09-12 09:17 ID:Heaven [Del]


You sure got mad about a harmless question.

Fucking wakaba fanboys.

162 Name: Anonymous : 2011-09-12 09:18 ID:Heaven [Del]


Oh, and before anyone gets butthurt enough to bracket me into some bullshit faction, I think kusaba sux shit too.

163 Name: Anonymous : 2011-09-12 14:46 ID:Qh/It0Fy [Del]

164 Name: Anonymous : 2011-09-13 23:04 ID:Heaven [Del]


You act like it's that black and white.

Think about this. There are tens, hundreds, maybe even thousands of imageboards scripts out there, and there are new ones popping up every day.

>Like Shiichan but has options for uploading files and posting images. So it could be an imageboard if you want. Anti-spam tool included. Not easy but not hard configuration/install. No database required! Stable. Multiple CSS. Best of all the the textboard software.

Bias much?

Also, TinyBBS was closed, ATBBS is broken, and there are two to watch out for now: MiniBBS ( or if Dalloway ever gets his head out of his ass) and MicroBBS ( if vocalon [does he post here?] ever updates it)

165 Name: Anonymous : 2011-09-14 01:55 ID:Heaven [Del]

>You act like it's that black and white.

That's because it is, here

166 Name: GuyInABox!mFDKYOheqQ : 2011-09-14 07:59 ID:mvhSjAEN [Del]

No, it's not, it's fucking opinion.

167 Name: Anonymous : 2011-09-14 09:34 ID:Heaven [Del]


Yes it fucking is.

Yay argumentum ad infinitum.

168 Name: GuyInABox!mFDKYOheqQ : 2011-09-14 10:16 ID:CrEmwpbu [Del]

If you think whether a script is good or not is a fact, then you need to GTFO.

169 Name: Anonymous : 2011-09-17 14:36 ID:Qh/It0Fy [Del]

Oh, thanks for telling me that. Also about the Kareha thing, hahaha, yes I guess so. But it's either that shiichan, or the KusabaX textboards. Even shii says not to use Shiichan and use Kareha instead, and Kusaba X is workable but has insecurities, so I would say Kareha is the way to go.

170 Name: anonymous : 2011-10-27 02:40 ID:vKJrQFyU [Del]

gives a summary of a flatfile based image board software. and images..

171 Name: anonymous : 2011-10-27 02:41 ID:vKJrQFyU [Del]

I think this one outbeats all the rest by various things.. well designed and well developed one guy. i believe.

172 Name: Anonymous : 2011-10-27 02:58 ID:QN2LbqRZ [Del]


> Magic_quotes need to enabled

Stopped reading right there. It's obviously just a load of shit.

173 Name: anonymous : 2011-10-27 09:05 ID:jfyDIwPx [Del]

it oviously aint

174 Name: Anonymous : 2011-10-30 13:32 ID:Heaven [Del]

Would you care to explain to my grandmother how your imageboard software works? (Yes, your software, no one else than the creator would recommend such a horrible, buggy piece of autist-ridden crap.) Because I can't figure it out myself, and I consider myself pretty good with computers.

My grandmother aside, here's a small amount of things which are wrong with your software.

  • Doesn't resize thumbnails, simply uses width/height attributes.
  • Doesn't escape HTML characters properly, it merely strips away what it perceives to be complete HTML tags.
  • Shitty grammar and spelling.
  • Hard to use - how the fuck do you even create a thread?
  • What the fuck even constitutes a thread? There's one section for "threads" and one section for "topics", despite these meaning pretty much the same thing on forums.
  • GeoShitties style admin panel.
  • Requires magic quotes (if you had any clue what-so-ever, you wouldn't be using it)
  • Probably exploits and shit everywhere.
  • You take yourself and that piece of crap too seriously.
  • Using ISO-8859-1 instead of UTF-8.
  • Reply links and dates cover parts of the post.
  • Doesn't check for duplicate images.
  • Newlines entered in the comment field don't get parsed.

So how does your software "outbeat all the rest"?

Also, the funniest thing is that you don't even have a download link available. If you aren't going to offer downloads, why bother advertising it?

175 Name: Anonymous : 2011-11-01 11:05 ID:Heaven [Del]

Oh god. If those are true that's terrible.

> Doesn't resize thumbnails, simply uses width/height attributes.

This especially made me laugh. Didn't moot do this in the early days of 4chan and it ate up all their bandwidth?

176 Name: anonymous : 2011-11-13 17:05 ID:B+MweWLT [Del]


Very well if you think that, that was the opening first release, and their isn't any downloads i dunno why, but I have sampled the software.

It is not hard to use, it is easy to use
English grammar and spelling unless your italian?
a great admin panel,
it uses ISO-8859-1 because its kool
and why should it waste time resizing images.

and it strips complete html not what it perceives as complete tags

And stop taking the *** You dont have the software so there :D

Go on the page and read it again

I think this guy is on to a winner unlike you idiot.

177 Name: anonymous : 2011-11-13 17:06 ID:B+MweWLT [Del]

and it doesn't eat bandwidth, because it has a really unique caching mechanism..

178 Post deleted by user.

179 Name: Anonymous : 2011-11-13 20:25 ID:zmTXYGZt [Del]

He makes good points (albeit not in the friendliest way), you should take them on board. There's no real reason to use ISO-8859-1 in place of UTF-8, and making proper thumbnails of images saves a lot of bandwidth.

> English grammar and spelling unless your italian?

This made me laugh.

Good luck with your script.

180 Name: Anonymous : 2011-11-13 22:01 ID:Heaven [Del]


>it uses ISO-8859-1 because its kool

and why should it waste time resizing images.
Heh, you're funny.

181 Name: anonymous : 2011-11-14 03:03 ID:/ypVdwG8 [Del]

lol these message keep been deleted, advertising is for people to know..

182 Name: anonymous : 2011-11-14 03:04 ID:/ypVdwG8 [Del]

it doesnt need to resize images if their is a limit to the actuall file upload duh

183 Name: anonymous : 2011-11-14 03:05 ID:/ypVdwG8 [Del]


yea the software can use any coding, but okay i suggested it to the guy and hes adjusted those things, he is grateful he says, cheers guys.

184 Name: anonymous : 2011-11-14 03:07 ID:/ypVdwG8 [Del]


Yes italian, as in cant you understand english?

well it seems completely understandable from an Englanders point a view, unless your American? :D

185 Name: anonymous : 2011-11-14 03:13 ID:/ypVdwG8 [Del]

>>179 okay so how does resizing images using like php-gd versus just limiting the size of the file itself..


  1. using php-gd is not necessary available on shared hosts.
  2. php-gd does use a lot of processing power.

Limiting the File upload:

  1. doesn't require any preprocessing.
  2. can stop uploads of a certain size straight away.
  3. can disable uploads entirely if their is a problem..


you should read the specifications again.

186 Name: Anonymous : 2011-11-14 08:23 ID:Heaven [Del]


> unless your American

"Your" is possessive. For example, I can say: "Your image board script sucks," or, "Shut your face."
You want "you're," which is a contraction of "you are." e.g. "You're American," or "You're an idiot."

187 Name: anonymous : 2011-11-14 15:04 ID:S7R1NLe6 [Del]

>>186 correction You are american?

188 Name: anonymous : 2011-11-14 15:09 ID:S7R1NLe6 [Del]

>>184 Correction Are you American?

189 Name: savetheinternet!yf7kimmo9k : 2011-11-14 21:07 ID:QN2LbqRZ [Del]

Hahahaha, what? That doesn't make sense at all. Can you tell the client to cache what he doesn't yet have? No.

190 Post deleted by user.

191 Name: Anonymous : 2011-11-15 09:11 ID:Heaven [Del]


>Very well if you think that, that was the opening first release, and their isn't any downloads i dunno why, but I have sampled the software.

So you have no idea why there isn't a download available when you never released the software?

>It is not hard to use, it is easy to use

That's your biased opinion.

>English grammar and spelling unless your italian?


>a great admin panel,

Judging from your screenshots, it's shit. Its purpose is to reconfigure stuff which should never be changed (unless you move servers or something), which is stupid.

>it uses ISO-8859-1 because its kool

Fuck off.

>and why should it waste time resizing images.

You didn't get the "thumbnail" part, I assume. I suggest you increase your reading comprehension a tad.

>and it strips complete html not what it perceives as complete tags

That makes no sense, and you obviously have no clue what escaping something means.

>And stop taking the *** You dont have the software so there :D

I don't need to possess a copy of your shitware in order to figure out its quirks.

>Go on the page and read it again

Why would I? You haven't made any improvement in response to the criticism.

>I think this guy is on to a winner unlike you idiot.

Wow, I'm offended.

192 Name: theinternetisalreadysaved!Z6/0YaJApk : 2011-11-15 12:04 ID:x1/KWC4y [Del]

I have no idea why the guy didn't release the software?

i just used a sample demo the guy is offering.

okay maybe that answer was a bit biased:
its not hard to use, it is easy for I to use :D

Okay ill leave the nationality jokes and grammar behind.

193 Name: theinternetisalreadysaved!Z6/0YaJApk : 2011-11-15 12:08 ID:x1/KWC4y [Del]


okay i did get the thumbnail part,

and I do think you have to process something to actually have first hand realization of the quirks?

Improvements, look at the website.

Its one step at a time process, not a kick in the teeth.

Great your offended? lol

194 Name: theinternetisalreadysaved!Z6/0YaJApk : 2011-11-15 12:09 ID:x1/KWC4y [Del]

*have in your computer looking at the source,

spelling mistake my bad lol >>192

195 Name: Anonymous : 2011-11-15 15:06 ID:3PGeW/ZW [Del]

I'm almost entirely convinced you're the guy who wrote the software trying to save face.

196 Name: anonymous : 2011-11-15 15:22 ID:x1/KWC4y [Del]

>>195 i do not think so, i just made a suggestion.

197 Name: ᴍʀ. ᴠɪʟᴇ!PRoGN.piPE : 2011-11-19 04:28 ID:Heaven [Del]

I am going to keep posting this until you guys stop arguing

198 Name: anonymous : 2011-11-27 12:45 ID:GhZq12h4 [Del]

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200 Name: ᴍʀ. ᴠɪʟᴇ!PRoGN.piPE : 2011-12-20 18:24 ID:2QrEN2Ar [Del]


This rateitstar guy has been spamming my email address as well as this board.

Hello thanks for all your negative comments, but thats what i would expect from MR VILE< lol,

"Since I understand this is the only canonical listing of imageboard scripts on the Internet I am going to take this opportunity to say that this software is a crock of shit and the author should stop posting it all over the fucking Internet like it's something more than babby's first PHP script. "

and yes to counter that i did get it plastered over the internet, why because its competition, thats why :D

What nation do you come from?? if i may ask? im from United Kingdom.

lol i so love that comment, but thank you for putting it online, greatness, cheers, and i understand it to be your whole heartly opinion, cheers again.

Here is alink to the demo setup screen:

the email might be in your spam but thats okay, it shud still work, thank you for your input,

and may i wish you a happy fruitfull new year for 2012, and a merry christmas for 2011.

I have just sent you a confirm link , i think im going to make an page called

and rate your page, and all the other scripts that you have mentioned, but with more positive light on that subjects in quesion.

With respect,


201 Name: Anonymous : 2011-12-21 09:23 ID:Heaven [Del]

lol'd. He really does suffer from USI.

202 Name: anonymous : 2011-12-23 12:08 ID:PoWMtRws [Del]

this is like an episode of east enders lol very funny banter

203 Name: anonymous : 2011-12-23 12:11 ID:PoWMtRws [Del]

ᴍʀ. ᴠɪʟᴇ, i noticed ur doing that too.

204 Name: Anonymous : 2011-12-23 12:17 ID:Sqg76tYY [Del]

205 Name: anonymous : 2011-12-23 12:23 ID:PoWMtRws [Del]

lollollollol i think ᴍʀ. ᴠɪʟᴇ wishes he wasnt the baby in programming lol, very funny topic seems to bee

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207 Name: Anonymous : 2011-12-23 17:04 ID:Heaven [Del]

Here's a copy of your entire website, gathered through a PHP injection exploit in your software:

Now, who's the "baby in programming" again? Go fuck yourself.

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