Best IMG Board Script?? (253)

174 Name: Anonymous : 2011-10-30 13:32 ID:Heaven [Del]

Would you care to explain to my grandmother how your imageboard software works? (Yes, your software, no one else than the creator would recommend such a horrible, buggy piece of autist-ridden crap.) Because I can't figure it out myself, and I consider myself pretty good with computers.

My grandmother aside, here's a small amount of things which are wrong with your software.

  • Doesn't resize thumbnails, simply uses width/height attributes.
  • Doesn't escape HTML characters properly, it merely strips away what it perceives to be complete HTML tags.
  • Shitty grammar and spelling.
  • Hard to use - how the fuck do you even create a thread?
  • What the fuck even constitutes a thread? There's one section for "threads" and one section for "topics", despite these meaning pretty much the same thing on forums.
  • GeoShitties style admin panel.
  • Requires magic quotes (if you had any clue what-so-ever, you wouldn't be using it)
  • Probably exploits and shit everywhere.
  • You take yourself and that piece of crap too seriously.
  • Using ISO-8859-1 instead of UTF-8.
  • Reply links and dates cover parts of the post.
  • Doesn't check for duplicate images.
  • Newlines entered in the comment field don't get parsed.

So how does your software "outbeat all the rest"?

Also, the funniest thing is that you don't even have a download link available. If you aren't going to offer downloads, why bother advertising it?

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