The Sorry State of Trevorchan (102)

83 Name: Anonymous : 2008-03-09 09:45 ID:guLnbQm5 [Del]

This thread really tempts me to take Wakaba and hack all the Something Awful crap moot shoved into futallaby like stickies, BBCode, noko and stuff from the 4chon extension in.

I'd call it Wakaba-AIDS (Automatic Imageboard Destruction System). It's not like I condone any of those features, but WAHa will never do it and let's be honest, what would you prefer, people making shitty 4chan clones using fucking Trevorchan or people making shitty 4chan clones using a decent software?

I know, I know. The obvious answer is that you don't want stupid 4chan clones to begin with. But let's face it, people don't take a no for an answer and they're all going to turn to Trevorchan/Kusaba for their "I want to be the little moot" needs, thereby filling the Internet with that filled with security holes PHP crap.

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