The Sorry State of Trevorchan (102)

29 Name: Anonymous : 2007-09-05 08:58 ID:Heaven [Del]

Well, there's just one admin panel for all the boards, but without being able to moderate more than one board at a time, because all the boards are in separate tables anyway, that's fairly pointless.

Besides that? bbcode, stickies, and thread locking (stupid misfeatures stolen from phpbb), a blotter (stolen from 4chan; also, just edit the rules), text boards (broken as hell, and useless), option to give people random names (stolen from Wakaba, but entirely halfassed), completely insecure secure tripcodes (rot13?!)... and on the subject of tripcodes... they're cached, so instead of running crypt() again when someone uses the same tripcode twice, it just does a mysql query to look it up (LOL WHAT).

Oh, and a bunch of crap stolen from 4chan's firefox extension, like a thread watcher, inline image expansion, thread hiding, and quick reply. Except, they're all halfassed so they don't work right, but they still take up space on the page and waste download time.

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