Announcing new imageboard (32)

9 Name: Anonymous : 2006-05-30 17:03 ID:Bz0mSj03 [Del]

I tried to keep things simple, mainly because I don't know how to code much(lol?). I have no idea how to do spam protection/auto-deletion/throttling. Maybe copy/paste the vctest code over? Unfortunately, I don't have the technical know-how to code it. I'll probably just google it like I did for the rest of the site.

As for subboards, you can't remember subboards. Only the main board. I also have a full directory, it's at the top. It shows all of the non-hidden boards.

I gave my code to another imageboard owner(who I'll keep anonymous), since he's pretty nice. And also, if he catches any bugs, he'll tell me.

To waha, I have to keep the "image" word there, or people will try to upload other things.

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