suggestions for an Overchan clone (74)

1 Name: Anonymous 2005-07-25 00:42 ID:R/PjXW8u [Del]

I started writing my own Overchan recently:

Anybody have something they want to see in this sort of site? I'll be raiding the English Image Boards thread soon and changing the DB structure after that will suck.

My big idea is that I'm going to put checkboxes next to the board listings. You can then check off the boards you like and have a script generate a navigation frame for you.

25 Name: Anonymous 2005-07-28 14:10 ID:zMvZISzW [Del]

thick-headed retard GET

26 Name: !WAHa.06x36 2005-07-28 16:39 ID:XHRk19M1 [Del]


If you think so, then, as I said, it's not a GUI element for revealing hidden content (because its existence does not imply that hidden contents exists), it is a bullet point that marks directories and secondarily shows and hides their contents.

27 Name: Anonymous 2005-07-29 06:05 ID:R/PjXW8u [Del]

Regged an extra domain with no wap suffix, heh:

Just redirects to the metachan one for now, though. Will make it a mirror and have the page detect what to call itself later on. If I'd know how freaking cheap info domains are I'd have started with this. Oo

28 Name: Anonymous 2005-07-29 08:21 ID:Heaven [Del]

I would suggest you remove non-anonymous boards from your listing.

29 Name: Anonymous 2005-07-29 08:31 ID:Heaven [Del]



Seconded anyway because I am egalitarian like that.

30 Name: Anonymous 2005-07-29 11:57 ID:R/PjXW8u [Del]


I only care about the images and not the interaction so much, so like having non-anonymous boards in there. The default settings already keep them hidden (well there is only one example to hide so far), since I know others feel differently.

If everyone I talk to complains, then I might start calling non-anonymous ones galleries and stick them in a 'didn't quite make it' listing. But then what would 5chan have rated as? It's weird calling it a gallery when it was users posting the images and users commenting on them.

Forcing all image boards to be anonymous might be just like using -chan for site names all the time. Something we're taking from the Japanese and not deciding ourselves. Maybe those furry boards that everyone hates could cut down on the trolling they get if they required sign up, for example, and that would outweigh the benefits of allowing anon.

31 Name: Anonymous 2005-07-29 12:31 ID:Heaven [Del]

> Forcing all image boards to be anonymous might be just like using -chan for site names all the time. Something we're taking from the Japanese and not deciding ourselves.

Uh, no. The -chan naming is western (just overtook from Futaba Channel - 99% of the other Japanese imageboards don't have that suffix in the URL - and the name of Futaba Channel isn't 2chan either).
Options for Anonymous and not having to register is a Japanese thing, though.

Not that I'd want to argue whether it's really important - but personally I don't like how westerners introduce their stuff into imageboards (stickies, required registration, etc.), simply because I like the simplified Futaba Channel style. But that's just me.

32 Name: Anonymous 2005-07-29 13:38 ID:Heaven [Del]

No. Didn't he drop out of the website thing?

33 Name: Anonymous 2005-07-29 16:47 ID:Heaven [Del]

I can see why you'd want to include other sources of images, but you're missing something. The whole point of the original overchan is to provide a collection of these nascent anonymous image/discussion boards and promote their use. Sites like hongfire with registration and static galleries are a dime a dozen and already listed on multiple link lists, ranking sites, and other websites.

5chan was a weird mish-mash, but it's not up now so don't worry... be happy. ( L3`)`

Furry boards can never be free of drama, anonymous or not.

>Forcing all image boards to be anonymous

Who's forcing anyone? Simply omitting a board from a list isn't some kind of threat or ultimatum.

34 Name: Anonymous 2005-07-29 20:26 ID:R/PjXW8u [Del]


Good point. It hadn't occurred to me that Overchan wasn't a general image board listing. Overchan does make the additional requirements they have clear at the top, though.

I guess this is a second difference between the two sites then. I'm not interested in excluding image boards of any type. The filters seem adequate to meet the needs of the anonymous preferring people anyway and a codebase filter could always be added as well.

35 Name: Anonymous 2005-07-30 11:02 ID:K1OMZdSg [Del]

In that case I'd go with your idea of calling them galleries. While some do allow comments, the interfaces in general de-emphasize communication with their grid thumbnail layouts that hide comments untill you view the whole image and static ordering of images. (no bumping to the top on a new comment.)

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37 Name: Anonymous : 2005-11-18 00:55 ID:Heaven [Del]

i see the googlerank spambots have discovered kareha

38 Name: !WAHa.06x36 : 2005-11-18 05:38 ID:diC22nN/ [Del]

To fucking bad for them that I'm using rel="nofollow" then.

39 Name: shii : 2005-11-20 23:06 ID:JU/PaoSK [Del]

It wasn't me-- I don't push my ideas on other people websites unless I'm being an ass-- but that makes three of us.

40 Name: Anonymous : 2005-11-21 21:10 ID:6TriJPdH [Del]

I guess I should finalize the DB and do some work on user features for metachan.

The most recent field I added was a "normalized board name" field. So every board with the same content would have the same name (when you turn it on).

Coming up with a good taxonomy and fitting every board to it is turning out rather painful, though, heh.

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45 Name: Anonymous : 2006-01-16 02:19 ID:Heaven [Del]

>>42 >>43 >>44 wow, the blog-spammer bots have figured out karaha.

46 Name: Anonymous : 2006-01-16 02:25 ID:Heaven [Del]

> Registration not so was pleasant


47 Name: !WAHa.06x36 : 2006-01-16 06:50 ID:zBLkRqAH [Del]

If this keeps up, I'll have to turn on captchas, no matter how annoying that is. For now, I'll try to add some hacks to the script to detect obvious spammers, and see if that helps.

48 Name: Anonymous : 2006-01-17 17:00 ID:Heaven [Del]

Please don't turn on captchas, I regularly browse this site with a text-only browser and wouldn't be able to post :(

49 Name: Anonymous : 2006-01-18 17:07 ID:JU/PaoSK [Del]

you can go on IRC and ask someone to tell you the captcha

50 Name: dmpk2k!hinhT6kz2E : 2006-01-18 18:25 ID:Heaven [Del]


51 Name: Anonymous : 2006-01-18 19:09 ID:JU/PaoSK [Del]

It was only a suggestion ('-`)

52 Name: Anonymous : 2006-01-18 22:20 ID:Heaven [Del]

>>51 you have no idea what you're talking about.

53 Name: dmpk2k!hinhT6kz2E : 2006-01-18 23:53 ID:Heaven [Del]

Captcha are unique per IP address. Nobody else can tell you what your captcha is, unless they have access to the database.

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56 Name: Anonymous : 2006-01-19 07:34 ID:Heaven [Del]

you could save the image and send it to them

57 Name: Anonymous : 2006-01-19 20:57 ID:Heaven [Del]

>>56 lol internet

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62 Name: Anonymous : 2006-02-21 16:36 ID:Heaven [Del]

cat >>60-61 >> spam.txt

63 Name: !WAHa.06x36 : 2006-02-21 16:37 ID:Heaven [Del]

Idiot was spamming without even using a proxy. What the hell?

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72 Name: !WAHa.06x36 : 2006-03-06 17:47 ID:Heaven [Del]

OK, this thread is just collecting spam now. I'm just going to close it, and if >>1 ever wants to revive the discussion, he can start a new thread and link to this one for the old posts.

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74 Name: Anonymous : 2010-05-15 06:31 ID:Heaven [Del]

While you're at it, mind doing something about all of the rx spam?

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