The *chans - General Discussion Thread (255)

167 Name: Anonymous : 2007-09-26 11:59 ID:Heaven [Del]

Will never happen. Yes, people may capitalize on something such as T-shirts, but you'll never see the whole-sale attempt from any large entity (media, corporate, whatever). Even though some memetics spawned/recycled by 4chan become popular, not everything else there is on par with most people. The full package includes not only the funny cat image macros and Ledonias photoshop templates, but the gore, furries, and good old Captain Picard as well. Copyright issues are the least of anyone's worries with a hotbed of trolls who love to destroy anyone or anything they can for the amusement of it.

If a big entity wanted to tap into the potential of the *chans, they would be best to do so discreetly. Publicly suggesting that you or your company associates with something like 4chan (and thus, /b/) would pose a hell of a challenge for any PR department. Of course, since some of the memes propagate so deep into the web, you can still sell your "Rickroll" T-shirts without needing to know where it came from so long as people are willing to pay for it.

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