Reason given for the new rule on 4chan's /d/ ("No beasts"):
> Souldark !B.xVc1Wndg 02/27/05(Sun)22:42 No.54827
> Simply put, we group and make the rules.
> From the feedback we'd received, and from personal moderator preference, we've decided that we don't like to see beastiality of any form on 4chan, save for /b/.
> That's the way it is. If you were going to donate the better part of your mother's trust fund to 4chan, and have now had a change of heart, then so be it.
> We really don't need to hear how you were "going to donate to 4chan, and now won't." Plenty of people who actually give a shit about the site and it's development are more prepared to step up and pay out a little for their pleasure.
> Case fucking closed, thread fucking closed. We're not giving a reason for the removal, because it's a private and staff matter.
> 4chan is a privilege, not a right - all we ask is a bit of support for the site, and perhaps a view of the big picture. If you're too short-sighted to see past your intimate connection to one fetish, then you're probably one of the posters we don't really need.
This is a pretty fucking lame kind of moral hipocrisy I had not expected from the 4chan staff. I am seriously surprised and angry enough to wish for this decision to ruin their /d/ board as much as it is able to. I know I will not contribute any pics to that board anymore (hi burichan & iichan).