The Wakaba and Kareha support thread, part 3 (535)

140 Name: Anonymous : 2011-11-16 11:32 ID:wyItaZu/ [Del]

Okay, so I moved it until after WakabaMark finishes messing with the text, and did my best to work around the strange placement of the tags it introduced. Here's my "final" solution (until I get rid of Wakabamark completely and start from scrath):

$res=~s/\[spoiler\]*/\<span class\=\'spoiler\'\>/g;
$res=~s/\<p\>/ /g;
$res=~s/\<\/p\>/\<br \/\>\<br \/\>/g;
$res=~s/\<br \/>/ /;
$res=~s/\<\/span\>\<br \/\>\<br \/\>/\<\/span\>/g;
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