The Wakaba and Kareha support thread, part 2 (1000)

565 Name: Anonymous : 2009-04-01 13:05 ID:KHdhSJOI [Del]

Well, all of a sudden my wakaba install is giving me this error:

Software error:

Malformed UTF-8 character (fatal) at line 447, <FILE> line 3.

Line 447 is:

    $str=~s!([^\w/._\-])!"%".sprintf("%02x",ord $1)!sge;

which is part of:
sub clean_path($)

    my ($str)=@_;
$str=~s!([^\w/._\-])!"%".sprintf("%02x",ord $1)!sge;
return $str;


We've edited parts of our script and it's been working just fine for us for quite some time... this is a quite strange error and I'm hoping someone has a clue about what could be causing it. It happens when anyone tries to post or even when I try to rebuild caches. I'm assuming it will happen with anything that calls

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