The Legendary Next Update (365)

296 Name: !WAHa.06x36 : 2005-10-23 20:44 ID:Heaven [Del]

Should be fixed now.

220 Name:   2005-10-21 15:45 ID:Heaven [Del]

Kareha can't use different layouts for posts on different pages, except by CSS trickery. I could add the second colon, though.

Also, I've implemented optional thread closing now, but there's no extra post. That would just be a total mess to implement, and would make re-opening threads annoying, if such a feature was requested. It replaces the posting form with a notice that the thread has been closed, instead.

131 Name:   2005-10-18 17:35 ID:gBva8ggI [Del]


That form just looks wrong with no title or clear separator, though. I might put in a title that is not the exact same as the button, though. Any suggestions?

The board title is inserted by, and rules.html is included after it.

107 Name: 2005-10-17 17:28 ID:Heaven [Del]

fusianasan + sage test

264 Name: Anonymous 2005-10-22 18:51 ID:Heaven [Del]

Random post: The test thread could use some linking in the notes at the bottom (what's the common nomenclature for that one?).

333 Name: Anonymous : 2005-10-26 20:33 ID:y5Ya7L3/ [Del]

All of this would be better handled by an external application. I think you are putting way too much work into user gimmicks as it is.

More options means putting more buttons, links, etc. into the interface. I am still bothered by the "More options...", but I am just a text purist (doing my fair share of AA, though) anyway, so meh meh... ( ´・ω・`)

247 Name: Anonymous 2005-10-22 12:15 ID:Heaven [Del]

Why would there be any use in writing actual HTML in posts? Seems to me like it's just inviting abuse.

167 Name:   2005-10-19 18:55 ID:gBva8ggI [Del]


> Getting back to inconsequential nitpicking: I find the "___ image replies omitted" phrase to be a bit redundant, and for one it confuses me as to whether or not those image replies are separate from text-only replies. How about simply calling it "images"?

Yes, that's a great idea, which is why I've always done just that. You're thinking of 4chan.

62 Name: test 2005-10-17 04:43 ID:Heaven [Del]

Please put alt tags in image refs, kthnx.

50 Name: !WAHa.06x36 2005-10-15 19:03 ID:Heaven [Del]

First thought: It would eliminate the concept of sageing as a protest entirely.

305 Name: Anonymous : 2005-10-24 12:04 ID:Heaven [Del]

> You don't see the link to the WakabaMark page either?

Nope... ?

> There's just a tiny little link there to let people do this. Is this really a such a huge bother to deal with? It's two words.

It's a link, it screams "Click me!". Most people don't need it most of the time, still it'll be there all of the time. How about style:none or something?

And sorry for being annoying. Strong opinions and all, no offense.

279 Name: !WAHa.06x36 : 2005-10-23 18:05 ID:gBva8ggI [Del]


How do you figure it's redundant?

69 Name:   2005-10-17 07:26 ID:Heaven [Del]


Noted and fixed in development version.

10 Name: Anonymous 2005-10-12 22:19 ID:UAOHJNRy [Del]

That's an option, you pick which one you want.

129 Name: Anonymous 2005-10-18 17:18 ID:Heaven [Del]

Damn, I was about to plug >>96 when I saw you uploaded the new version. Thanks for listening WAHa, you're awesome. :D

(Does this work like rules.html in mode_image? Is the board title inserted automatically in or is it part of that separate html file?)

Already a few nitpicks though: (1) index.html#menu and index.html#1 links should be automatically inserted to the right of the board title (or below if you're looking at it without CSS), and (2) the "Create new thread" title isn't really necessary, since the widget button already explains its function (like with the reply box).

Unrelated: in 2ch thread lists, position numbers are followed by colons, not periods.

156 Name: Anonymous 2005-10-19 13:55 ID:Heaven [Del]

>>154 YOUdqn!

269 Name: !WAHa.06x36 : 2005-10-23 15:11 ID:Heaven [Del]

> Can't this be somewhere else but the post form?

No, because that would be immensely useless and annoying, because nobody would know it's there, and even if they did, they'd have to go somewhere else every time they wanted to post something using a different markup.

8 Name: test 2005-10-12 18:18 ID:Heaven [Del]

What wakaba needs is that SILLY_ANONYMOUS too! :D

284 Name: Anonymous : 2005-10-23 18:27 ID:Heaven [Del]

Every mode auto-links URLs and >> references, or at least they should (HTML mode doesn't for some reason).

Well the description is outdated, then. :P

In any case, inserting an ASCII carriage return in HTML mode still renders as a line break. Bug or feature?

248 Name: 214 2005-10-22 12:23 ID:Heaven [Del]

It's also more markup when even the existing one isn't working as well as it should.

226 Name:   2005-10-21 17:12 ID:Heaven [Del]

That would be a bother too.

124 Name: Anonymous 2005-10-18 07:43 ID:9mxxoE2M [Del]


81 Name:   2005-10-17 09:29 ID:Heaven [Del]

n is implemented, but not for >> yet.

Also, >>1 is, as it is, only added to URLs of the form xx-yy and lxx. 2ch doesn't add >>1 for single-reply URLs, and if you're using commas, I figure you can add >>1 yourself if you want it. I'm not sure if this is the best behaviour, but that's how it works at the moment.

145 Name:   2005-10-19 04:10 ID:gBva8ggI [Del]


So, does that mean you approve of removing the style selector on subpages? I just woke up and I'm confused.

Anyway, Safari doesn't, as far as I know, let you pick stylesheets. And IE obviously doesn't. Also, not even Firefox will actually remember your choice, making the ability completely useless anyway, unless coupled with Javascript on the page to save the setting.

> The Futaba template is missing the "No File" checkbox next to the File field in the Post New Thread area.

That's because Kareha has no "No File" check in the first place, and I'm not sure I want to add code just for that (since it'd have to be optional anyway).

346 Name: Anonymous : 2005-10-27 16:36 ID:+jQxeHvJ [Del]

Or use some sort of filter to replace them characters with underscores on upload.
This offcourse for files that keep their original filename.

226 Name:   2005-10-21 17:12 ID:Heaven [Del]

That would be a bother too.

44 Name: !WAHa.06x36 2005-10-14 16:33 ID:Heaven [Del]

Uh, kind of a bug. I really should fix it, but, lazy.

271 Name: Anonymous : 2005-10-23 16:32 ID:Heaven [Del]

Did you ditch customizable capcodes?

How about placing the Formatting menu to the left or right of the "File: " field? I'd also like to see WakabaMark changed to its real name (Markdown).

A few other considerations:

  • Using "◆" as the default tripkey character.
  • No need for the "Navigation: " text before the navigation links in subpages
  • In Pseud0ch, post numbers should be the same size/format as the rest of the header text
  • I'm still thinking that subback should be as minimal as possible: no navlinks, title, or last post/filesize data. Then again, I'm from the school of following 0ch blindly.
  • Variable admin permissions per password
  • Is the Admin bar gonna come back before the final version?

Small details aside, this is seriously shaping up to be an amazing release. Your efforts are much appreciated, WAHa.

298 Name: !WAHa.06x36 : 2005-10-23 20:54 ID:Heaven [Del]

Currently, pruning by age is measured from the time of the newest post in the thread, so it wouldn't really work. I'm not sure if this is the best behaviour or not, but it seems it makes more sense to kill threads nobody cares about than to kill slow-moving threads just because they get old.

197 Name: Anonymous 2005-10-20 14:02 ID:Heaven [Del]

Actually, a solution to >> links with static pages is to simply make them reference a certain point on a certain page number for that thread (ie,

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