500 Internal Server Error (417)

372 Name: Anonymous : 2012-05-12 21:28 ID:Heaven [Del]

Want to fix all of your issues, have a super fast site, and never have problems again? I run the LURKMORE Wiki, CHANSLUTS, intern3ts, Male General, TranCHAN, TEXTCHAN, and another 10 sites with this:

  1. Get a 128MB RAM Xen VPS with Debian 6 x86, it'll cost you something like $15-$25 per year.
  2. Install Apache, PHP, MySQL (if you need it) and ImageMagick.
  3. Set up your VirtualHost with your web root as something like /home/user/site.com
  4. Extract the software to your web root, or a sub folder
  5. Set permissions on the following files with the group being your PHP user (since we didn't use suexec): wakaba.pl/kareha.pl as 754, the folders where the software writes to is 755. You will need to set admin.pl and captcha.pl to 754 as well (if you use them).
  6. Configure passwords, secret, database, title, everything else.
  7. Enjoy your new software.

If you need more help, want to make a donation for fixing your issues, want suggestions on where you get your VPS (I have a very long list of where not to get them, especially), want me to set everything up for you (for a very small fee), want more information or advanced information (suexec, multiuser environment), or anything else, you can contact me at [email protected].

Feel free to visit all of my sites and imageboards every day (easy portals: http://www.scriptin.us or http://www.greedbox.com/top/), as well - preferably with ad blocking disabled.

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