500 Internal Server Error (417)

315 Name: Ryo : 2010-06-22 23:08 ID:NRkVg090 [Del]

I'm trying to run wakaba from my win7 system. I've got Apache Perl PHP and MySQL and they seem to be getting along with each other but I'm running into the Error 500 problem which is almost certainly because of my permissions but I made an observation which confuses me.

Why are there html files in the cgi-bin folder and why does wakaba link directly to them instead of placing or redirecting or including that content from HTML files in the htdocs folder?

I know that its some sort of permissions problem but more like an apache setting that I either can't change or I really don't want to for security reasons. Everything in the cgi-bin folder is treated like a server script and not sent to the client but since wakaba puts them in the cgi folder it manifests as a permission problem.

I did find a variable in the internal paths section of the config.pl file that looked promising but I have found that changing the values prevents it from giving me a 500 error but it won't update the html files.[variable called HTML_SELF]

I know I'm doing something wrong but hopefully someone can point me in the rite direction...


p.s. help =(

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