Imageboard with registeration - a crazy idea to curb cancer (12)

1 Name: Anonymous : 2014-06-27 04:19 ID:7ULMl0Ws [Del]

Just from the thread title this sounds like a utterly crazy idea and something that goes against what imageboards are about but please keep reading. As most have noticed, majority of imageboards have either degenerated into constant flood of memes, shitposting, camwhoring and generally completely shitty content or then the boards are so small and post rate is so slow that viewing them isnt really worth the effort.

My idea to curb the general shitposting/spam/etc is to force people to make an account before they get to view the board. Go to url, get login page, maybe a register link or just text telling you to put /register after the url and make an account. After that you can view/post. No post would contain any nicknames or other name faggotry, it would be just a deterrent for people not to bother coming for cheap laughs and shitposting, bots and others. It would also allow moderators not only to ban but remove the account completely, forcing person to re-register if he wants to post again.

Besides of needing an account to view the content, the boards would function just like any other imageboard, have the same look and so on.

I dont know, this might be just a crazy idea not worth second thought but ive been thinking about this for some time now. I know, its rambling post and doesnt really make it clear how it would work but maybe somebody gets the general idea?

2 Name: Anonymous : 2014-06-27 20:20 ID:d5pqReMm [Del]

I don't like it, and an "anti-memes" attitude is enough.

And anyway you would still have the second situation of slow posting rate.

3 Name: Anonymous : 2014-06-28 01:28 ID:ktjoKK7l [Del]

This is not terribly different from 4chan's CAPTCHA

4 Name: Anonymous : 2014-07-03 15:17 ID:+1qbYcEz [Del]

I'm of the opinion that there's no concrete definition of what an imageboard is, outside of being able to attach images to comments in a discussion-like format.

There are pros and cons to registration vs anonymous posting, but from what I can tell they're pretty much equal. Which approach is the "right" approach is dependent on what you seek to accomplish.

If you want to discourage shitposting, then authorizing users makes sense as a hurdle to cross and a means of banning identities. That said, you will also discourage people who wouldn't shitpost from posting at all.

For example, this post is not a shitpost. If I had to register to make this post, however, there's a good chance I might not have made it.

It's up to you, really.

5 Name: me : 2014-07-06 06:32 ID:6wz5EgnG [Del]

>>1 Ye i think it would work...

6 Name: Anonymous : 2014-08-01 16:51 ID:p7YqWX4P [Del]

We actually did this at and recently went public. At the time, we allowed users to register using temporary e-mail addresses (Mailinator and friends), however this still did not entice many anonymous users to participate.

In our experience, it did work. As long as you understand most of the *chan user base will be turned off by the registration requirement, you can build a very favorable (yet tight) community.

7 Name: Orochi Herman!hN02YkuTxM : 2014-08-01 21:00 ID:EPGi7S61 [Del]

If you will enforce registration, make sure people have options.
Like say, register using facebook, google, twitter, etc.

And of course, give them the option to let them specify their username/avatars or not, in the spirit of imageboards.

8 Name: Anonymous : 2014-08-01 21:36 ID:rQPFTri1 [Del]


9 Name: Anonymous : 2014-08-28 16:12 ID:Heaven [Del]

Can you please stop spamming this on other imageboards? I thought you were above that tsucolum, creator of Trevorchan, TinyIB, and PyIB.

10 Name: Anonymous : 2014-10-24 13:22 ID:kWc1Bx8k [Del]

There was a good article about anonymity vs registration at

I want to make an imageboard - not a huge one like 4chan tho. I've started it but it's just something I'm playing with.

I've thought about whether to use registration or not. I don't like having to sign up just to comment on a subject, especially when I don't know if I will come every day and I also don't want the hassle of having to reset my password because I can't remember what I used when I was last logged in 6 months ago.

An idea is, you can give people incentive to come back and post normal / decent content. For example, allow users to post without registration but there are limits such as 15 posts per day or images must not be bigger than 1 Mb. Users can be given the option to create a name and password and build up a reputation. If only they can see their reputation/stats, and they get privilages for producing more posts (without getting banned) then they have an incentive not to shitpost.

11 Name: Anonymous : 2014-10-25 07:31 ID:OeDvIk8/ [Del]


>build up a reputation

This idea is garbage. Even if you can only see your own reputation, it would lead to users who care about that sort of thing. They are an unwanted element in imageboard communities. And of course it would lead to attentionwhoring with "post your stats" threads and whatnot.

The key element of anonymous discussion should be that individuals and egos are irrelevant; post content is all that matters, and it should never be judged in the context of the poster's previous posts.

12 Name: Anonymous : 2014-10-26 17:09 ID:Heaven [Del]

No nameless poster comes back to a site? Or are you trying to cater to posters who wouldn't come back if they can't register?

>and they get privilages for producing more posts (without getting banned)

And what would get them banned? Sounds like you plan to ban posters for whatever fucking thing.

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