The downfall of imageboard culture in general? (3)

1 Name: Anonymous : 2013-11-27 08:45 ID:ooQpJ2R+ [Del]

Do you think that with 4chan's popularity, its brought the downfall of imageboard culture as a whole?

4chan's culture changed completely when it became popular around 2008, and the current site is nothing like the old imageboard culture that was present there.

Do you think other sites, like 2ch, 4-ch, and 7chan have felt the effects of 4chan's new popularity? Have they too gained more popularity, and thus lower-quality posts and a general unwanted culture?

2 Name: Anonymous : 2013-12-12 06:50 ID:ryRG1JI+ [Del]

4chan's popularity has ruined anon image boards. I would love to find a nice child free board with oc like the old days.

3 Name: Anonymous : 2014-04-15 22:03 ID:Heaven [Del]

So is imageboard culture really dead?

I wasn't around for the majority of the history of imageboards, and I really feel as though I've missed something huge, something special, and something interesting. I hold out hope that really, somewhere out on the internet, a good board with a nice post rate and good content is hiding, unannounced to the public to keep those that killed 4chan away. I'm looking for that board, and for as many other boards as I can find. That's actually how I got here.

I guess I'm flat out asking if there's hope, that somewhere there is a good board, and that we just haven't found it.

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