It has been twelve years since 2ch started, and almost ten since 2chan started. It hardly feels like it has been that long. How's it feel to have been around this long? Look how far we've come!
Boutellier told The Australian: "We are not looking to affirm a imprint or shape adore that at unitary. Due to fake rolex, over a terrific brand, we long to keep at the estimation at the perfect snuff out."
It's more like 15 years since Ayashii World BBS started the imageboard fad.
Looking around and seeing all the dead sites, choked with spam, and 4chan having become mainstream and Americentric, my depression is rising up in my throat to kill me.
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> grey!C.MxxuCiTo
Who is this guy? Just another in the long line of people trying to cement themselves in the "meta" image board scene?