I'm planning on making a website based on the Western Imageboard Culture (48)

36 Name: Jkid!yYT/u4PSNE : 2011-03-30 13:44 ID:rLW8VuDi [Del]


>I also enjoyed your articles and not to be a nattering nabob of negativity, but I would like to point out that the term "otaku" is not specific to anime fans, but it rather a catch-all term for enthusiasts of any stereotypical nerd-type area of expertise.

Yes, I'm fully aware of the broad use of the term "otaku" as in military otaku, rail otaku, etc. The otaku contintinuum is focused on the Anime and Manga otaku. As a matter of fact, it's based on this image from 4chan's /a/ : http://imgur.com/ogIkh

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