Potential Alternative Organization For Boards & Threads (10)

3 Name: Anonymous : 2010-12-21 20:13 ID:M0qs4vep [Del]

There is a pretty good thread about lesbians who cook buried in the back pages of

I made myself a custom frameset for all of the imageboards that i use, which are a good number of slow as molasses boards from a couple dozen different internets. i think that if there were something like shii's site, but you could do something like click a box next to the boards on the list to create your own virtual imageboard site (by making a custom frameset), some people might find that useful.
Thats more of organizing the internet or really just an alternative to bookmarks than it is what OP is talking about, but still, its a unused method that might be implemented for the greater good. could also be a good way of tracking what the [s]best[/s]most popular imageboards are.

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