localchan (15)

1 Name: Anonymous : 2010-01-26 10:51 ID:zjeHv45H [Del]

I wrote a new imageboard in 2ch style that is designed for anonymous local discussion.

the address is http://www.localchan.com

I'm still trying to get it off the ground, but basically if there were a lot of posts on the site, then you'd only see posts within a range of your geographic location. I'm looking for ideas to make this site better. Not sure how to reach a more international audience with this. It's cool because people could have discussions in different languages all on the same board without stepping on each other.

2 Name: Anonymous : 2010-02-04 10:00 ID:F06Z7h3k [Del]

Could you provide the source code for this board? I'd like to establish something similay for Germany.

3 Name: Anonymous : 2010-02-11 20:05 ID:QCKJihjH [Del]

Source pl0x. Want this for Australia.

4 Name: !KNToeaGiZM : 2010-02-14 10:22 ID:+aFfIJGi [Del]

This is a really neat concept.

5 Name: Anonymous : 2010-02-19 14:20 ID:KSARqk0l [Del]


similar to krautchan's /int/, but ignoring nationalism in favor of geography.

on feature that could be added would be ability for a user to exclude posts that are too close to them.

6 Name: Anonymous : 2010-02-19 14:32 ID:KSARqk0l [Del]

i mentioned this board the krautchan/int and now they are spamming their memes on your board. please accept my apology

7 Name: Anonymous : 2010-02-23 15:34 ID:Heaven [Del]

nice concept, before I try I thought you where automatically getting geolocation from IP addr

8 Name: Anonymous : 2010-03-27 15:11 ID:lbkQbHsw [Del]

I have to say this is a pretty neat idea, OP. You should make some threads on 4-ch or something, not just this tiny board.

9 Name: Anonymous : 2010-03-27 17:35 ID:Heaven [Del]

Meaning, "don't spam 4-ch with links or you will get your ass banned"

10 Name: Anonymous : 2010-04-24 19:57 ID:iYMrUsKg [Del]

i created a new interface for the site, it's no longer 2ch style, but something original. localchan 2.0 :p

11 Name: Anonymous : 2010-06-13 06:21 ID:f3lb0tu5 [Del]

This is a very cool idea. I hope this takes off.

12 Name: Anonymous : 2010-06-13 17:42 ID:5PAGPiEx [Del]

13 Name: Anonymous : 2010-06-14 23:58 ID:7PAr/F+d [Del]



14 Name: Anonymous : 2010-08-13 10:48 ID:64LEjJLl [Del]

This is fucking awesome. Glad to see that people are still coming up with new and interesting ways of doing the *chan thing.

15 Post deleted by moderator.

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