ITT: Most depressing imageboards (26)

22 Name: Anonymous : 2009-06-01 20:29 ID:Heaven [Del]

This is a rant relating to the imageboard culture.

Every time you visit a [0-9]+chan website, this is something you always see: the preconceived notion that you needs dozens of boards and a "random" board. Seriously, just one ONE board. You don't need to be a 4chan/7chan clone. Then you have software like Kusaba that come out that operates on the concept of having a centralized system with the ability to make multiple boards.

That is not the purpose of anonymous board software.

I guess what I'm trying to say is that, I don't hate you for trying to join in on fad or making a website, but you ONLY need ONE board. If you just want to jerk around with your buddies, just make a single board that can be your hang out. Board specialization is ONLY for websites with massive user base. Your 2-bit project with only 5 unique visitors does not warrant a "full-fledged" set of boards for multiple subjects.

Don't spam boards on your site just for the sake of having more boards.

This is directed at everyone and no one specifically. I just didn't want to make a new thread.

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