Text Board Scripts (86)

6 Name: Anonymous : 2008-10-14 20:13 ID:c+7IaAuR [Del]

What the hell, I'll slightly hijack this thread. Speaking of textboards, does anyone know who wrote tinybb.pl?

7 Name: Anonymous : 2008-10-14 21:47 ID:Heaven [Del]

Nevermind, found it at http://dis.4chan.org/read/prog/1185963886/23
Sauce is http://hotaru.thinkindifferent.net/tinybb/tinybb.txt

Of note is the function

sub format_comment($$){}

since the first regexp for comment parsing (which inserts the >>1 links for this script) likes to not work on the random free webhosts I tried a slightly modified version of this script on. (For those who care, I added a rudimentary spam trap [fake input] to the post form.)

8 Name: Anonymous : 2008-10-14 22:08 ID:Heaven [Del]

And I think I figured out the primary reason why - < and > weren't escaped in the link that was replacing >>1 links.

But just to be safe, I totally copied the number matching regexp from Kareha and then just modified the url part.

9 Name: Anonymous : 2008-10-14 22:08 ID:Heaven [Del]

And I think I figured out the primary reason why - < and > weren't escaped in the link that was replacing >>1 links.

But just to be safe, I totally copied the post number matching regexp from Kareha and then just modified the url part.

11 Name: Anonymous : 2008-10-14 22:18 ID:Heaven [Del]

Anyways, if anyone wants the source modifications I've made so far, http://wtfcake.freehostia.com/tinybb/tinybb.txt

You'll need to also get style.css and ba.gif if you want the current style.

To use, you'll need a writable /res/ directory in the same directory as tinybb.pl.

13 Name: Anonymous : 2008-10-16 08:05 ID:Heaven [Del]

See, this is why "learn perl" is the first thing in the todo list.

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