Text Board Scripts (86)

47 Name: Anonymous : 2009-03-12 17:30 ID:Heaven [Del]

I feel pretty dumb for not having read through the beginning thread. Anyways, my tinybb.txt alterations are still at http://tablecat.exofire.net Please excuse the downtime, it's the best free webhost I could find that had Perl support.

Anyways, I have some concerns regarding tripcode support, I been searching around with Google and kind of got the idea that information submitted through a form (like tripcodes) can be intercepted if not encrypted. I haven't really found anything definitive on this subject, I guess I'm not using the right search keywords. I'd like it if someone could point me in the right direction, I don't really have any programming background so most of what I learn is by looking at example code and experimenting with it and making "oh so that's what this does" realizations as I go along. I feel bad for putting a name field and tripcode support without ensuring it's safeness...

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