Image board programmers, unite! (19)

1 Name: 4&4!!x8iJHAD9 : 2008-10-04 07:59 ID:j6rW4qGe [Del]

While reading the "IMG Board Scripts" thread, I realized how much the imageboard/chan community is divided. First there's a ton of different chans barely living because they are lacking users (niche chans focusing on porn involving midgets with brown eyes and purple-dyed hair for example). Then there is a ton of imageboard scripts, mostly born-deads because of the heavy load of work the building from scratch of an imageboard script is requiring.
Now we all know the current popular chans are running on scripts that are just imploring improvement, whether on the performance side, the conceptual side, or the presentation side (which makes the problem a triangle... just a useless remark); and we all know that the redundance of the chans shall be eliminated.
What do we do to address this problem? By the name of (insert the name of whatever the god you worship), we start another project! I can tell, I did it. Dumb? yeah, dumb.
We, imageboard script designers, shall unite in order to provide the community a software that features all said improvements, running on a centralized site that offers all the blessed diversity of the chans, and avoids redundancy.
Team work? fuck yeah! Let's do this!
Interested: say so. Feel like this shouldn't be done? say so!

P.S. Please excuse the Marxian accent of the title. This thread as nothing to do with politics.

2 Name: Eleo!R/kHaW6/HU : 2008-10-04 09:07 ID:Heaven [Del]

Won't work because:

  1. Everyone works with different languages that the next guy doesn't necessarily know
  2. Everyone has their own ideas on what features an imageboard should and shouldn't have. So unless the thing is somehow set up to be absurdly modular...
  3. Cucumbers taste better pickled

3 Name: 4&4!!x8iJHAD9 : 2008-10-04 10:23 ID:j6rW4qGe [Del]


  1. True. That's an obstacle. There must be some preliminary discussions on this topic, and connected ones too, to set those things once and for all. True again, people might not want to go through the hardships of learning a new programming language; but, as far as I know, there are four popular (used for) web programming languages, which are: php, python, perl and ruby; if we get 5 people of good will, at least two of them know the same language and can help the other while they are learning; if we get 6... etc. Besides, there are things you just can't escape while designing a website (CSS, basic (X)HTML, server configuration etc. ) that everyone knows, and can do while learning the team-chosen language. Once some sort of critical mass of common knowledge is reached, emulation kicks in, and god knows what happens next...
  2. True again. But modularity is the key, as far as team work goes. There can be a common ground for everyone involved (you and I, and most people using them I believe, know what we first expect of an imageboard), and different modules used or not by the user. Also: allowing the user to bend the software to his will is certainly a good choice, makes him feel like he's at home -that's what different styles on the chans do-.
  3. Alas true. And that may be a problem.

4 Name: Anonymous : 2008-10-04 11:12 ID:Heaven [Del]

If everyone just used Wakaba the chan community would be in a better state.

5 Name: !WAHa.06x36 : 2008-10-04 12:59 ID:mNZlt+ft [Del]

"Let's do everything for everyone" is the surest way to make something utterly unusable.

6 Name: 4&4!!x8iJHAD9 : 2008-10-04 14:08 ID:j6rW4qGe [Del]


>If everyone just used Wakaba the chan community would be in a better state.

Disagreed. The chan community's problem shan't be searched on the software side. The real problem is scattering, in my opinion. But where does it all comes from, you ask? The drama, the dispersion, the raids, the "tough-guyness", the xerox that went berserk... all of this exists because of this thing written in three tiny letters, "ego", whether collective or individual. Kind of paradoxical, when you think of it, on anonymous boards... On a different note: wakaba is good, agreed. But it's lacking some of the features I would like to have on a chan; and it's lacking other features that others have introduced. Oh well, you can still hack it to fit your desires...

Pray develop, because I'm not sure I'm connecting the dots correctly here. Still I'll answer to what I understood; I think you are wrong: myriads of ways to do something is easing the fitting of software to user, thus making it more usable for that particular user. Standard is a forbidden word on the chans, why not provide ways for dealing with non-standardness?

7 Name: Eleo!R/kHaW6/HU : 2008-10-04 14:18 ID:ID12lfp2 [Del]

Americans would be less obese if they ate with chopsticks.

8 Name: serv : 2008-10-04 16:02 ID:BAf6xtRw [Del]

I say it is made from PHP.

Easy to work with, easily expandable, LOTS of people know it.

9 Name: Anonymous : 2008-10-04 16:44 ID:Heaven [Del]



Stopped reading here. Anything is better than PHP. Try Python or Perl.

10 Name: 名前 : 2008-10-04 16:48 ID:GiJiHxaP [Del]

If every chan ran on the same software, then one vulnerability could bring down all chandom. Very few people have even seen the Yotsuba script, so only generic attacks even slow it down. Security is a hassle to do right, and image boards have shown to make people passionate about attacking them. Obscurity works when it's no big deal for everyone to brew their own variants.
Also, who would trade in their pet project to a free lifetime pass to the zoo?

11 Name: Anonymous : 2008-10-04 17:42 ID:Heaven [Del]

i'm an american, and i'd eat a lot more if i ate with chopsticks.
it takes me about twice as long to eat anything with a fork than with chopsticks.

12 Name: 4&4!!x8iJHAD9 : 2008-10-04 18:20 ID:j6rW4qGe [Del]

I must concede. Valid objection. Oh well, I tried... better luck next time.

>Also, who would trade in their pet project to a free lifetime pass to the zoo?

I smiled (also, I would, if it meant I wouldn't have to take care of all the mess the animals make).

13 Name: Anonymous : 2008-10-05 01:55 ID:QD0lV4s1 [Del]

I believe people become fixated on the idea of what an imageboard must be or what it must look like.

I'd rather not start a single project to make the BESTEST software ever, but a sort of "competition." What kind you say? Well one to make a leanest imageboard software. Start from scratch to make the bare minimum.

The trick here is to achieve the bare minimum in a number different and creative ways.

What is the bare minimum, I guess we can even leave that up for discussion.

Once you get over your fixation on the original Futaba, you will be able to advance and say, "hey my image board doesn't need to look like this or like that."

I guess what I'm trying to say is that the fundamentals of imageboard software needs variety too.

14 Post deleted by user.

15 Name: Anonymous : 2008-10-05 11:53 ID:WJAE8F8V [Del]


There's already competition, it's happening naturally, and no attempt at formalizing a natural process will do anything but increase the ego bullshit which, IMO, is afflicting the OP as much as anyone.

16 Name: Anonymous : 2008-10-08 04:27 ID:Ufz82faK [Del]

Rather than make a whole new script, why not just collabarate to improve wakaba?
For a start, a manage system that can deal with all the boards, instead of needing to log in to every single board to moderate. I know trevorsaba used this, and frankly it was a great idea, just poorly implemented. The ability to moderate and edit board options and other miscellany would be good. If you felt it was going to just become a 4chan-in-a-box, then make it so that all boards still need to be installed individually.
Another feature I would like is a wordfilter. Before all you dipshits go "OH NOEZ CAnCER" learn that a wordfilter has legitimate uses (such as cutting out all the racism people throw around, which prevents people wanting to post.)
Stickies are useful occassionally, but I think a global notice underneath the postbox can get the point across equally as well.

just my 2 cents.

17 Name: Makoto!!QPpGvuVX : 2008-10-09 15:51 ID:Heaven [Del]


Deleted this post because I came off more confrontational than I wanted to.

I still hate this thread though.


>For a start, a manage system that can deal with all the boards, instead of needing to log in to every single board to moderate. I know trevorsaba used this, and frankly it was a great idea, just poorly implemented.

No. This is completely pointless seeing as wakaba isn't intended for multi-board usage.

>Another feature I would like is a wordfilter. Before all you dipshits go "OH NOEZ CAnCER" learn that a wordfilter has legitimate uses (such as cutting out all the racism people throw around, which prevents people wanting to post.)

Again, hacking in this function would be extremely trivial, and about two people would use it for anything besides filtering "/prog/" to "/prog/" wrapped in a spoiler tag. Seriously, just hack it in yourself. Perl is not an extremely complicated language to learn, and you really don't need any grasp of it other than how to modify certain inputted strings and output them as another defined string, and how to store the strings.

>Stickies are useful occassionally, but I think a global notice underneath the postbox can get the point across equally as well.

On phpBB/vBulletin forums, stickies are useful. But stickies have no place on an imageboard. The "global notice" is just a small addition to the template, and can easily be coded in with no knowledge of Perl at all.


PHP? No. Having worked with Python, PHP, Perl, and come C++, I can honestly say that I would not use this supposed "unified script" if it were written in PHP. Especially considering the fact that unless someone who can actually code well contributes, you're just going to have a messy and insecure clone of kusaba.


Yeah, but my metabolism is amazing, so I'm skinny regardless.


You must suck at eating with a fork then. ;)

18 Name: !WAHa.06x36 : 2008-10-09 16:39 ID:Heaven [Del]

> No. This is completely pointless seeing as wakaba isn't intended for multi-board usage.

There are actually some things that could benefit from a multi-board approach, such as deleting all posts by one IP, and similar anti-spam measures.

Such a thing could easily be a completely separate script, of course. There's no need the admin functionality has to be part of the same script. Just bang at the database and tell wakaba to rebuild when it's done.

19 Name: Makoto!!QPpGvuVX : 2008-10-12 02:25 ID:Heaven [Del]


Anti-spam is really the best thing about a multi-board structure, to be completely honest. A seperate script to manage multiple boards if needed would probably be an easier and more sane approach, as turning wakaba into a multi-board script could take more work than justified.

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