Torrent tracker using the imageboard concept? (7)

1 Name: Anonymous : 2007-11-13 12:51 ID:xph30pk9 [Del]

Has anyone ever seen one? Well i was bored once so i wrote one to share my collection of rare hip-hop music that most trackers wont accept because of quality standards.

Right now it's just sitting there though but i thought it would be nice to hear what you thought of this concept for other websites.

Simplicity is the key here, people don't have to do much to upload a file and start sharing. After all, if you have a public tracker, why would you use any other concept than the 2ch-type imageboard concept?!

2 Name: Anonymous : 2007-11-13 22:02 ID:3viwFlY9 [Del]

> 2ch-type imageboard

Well, either it's a 2ch (Ni-channeru, type text board, or a 2chan (Futaba, type imageboard. Nitpicking aside I don't think imageboards really make sense for non-images, though, since the way they're designed is based completely around the thumbnailed pic. I'd say the most comfortable style for a torrent tracker is probably an upload-board style like 4chan's /f/.

3 Name: Anonymous : 2007-11-13 22:04 ID:3viwFlY9 [Del]

oh and I'd put a clear: both in the css for h1 elements, that would fix the second header bumping against the image.

4 Post deleted by user.

5 Name: Anonymous : 2007-11-14 07:29 ID:xph30pk9 [Del]

I think you misunderstood me just a bit, i was referring more to the way you don't have to register on most futaba-style imageboards.

I'm sorry i don't have all the terminology down, i have so far only been a user of these boards.

I did consider integrating a tracker into a wakaba board but i went along and wrote my own. When i was done i ended up borrowing a huge ammount of code in the form of anyways so i think i could have killed two birds with one stone with my first idea.

That is i'd have a ready comment system and let people upload potential screenshots or other types of images if each torrent uploaded was a thread created. I still might do this and submit it as a patched wakaba.

Thank you for the CSS-tip, i'm not very good at design. As you maybe saw i stole the whole layout and just modified it a bit.

6 Name: Anonymous : 2010-03-29 10:12 ID:Heaven [Del]

>As you maybe saw i stole the whole layout and just modified it a bit.

To make you feel a little better I can tell you prq used a simple layout downloadable by anyone. :-)

old thread is old... looks like this project is dead?

7 Name: Louis Vuitton Outlet : 2012-08-11 11:15 ID:MNywNcnc [Del]

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