The Sorry State of Trevorchan (102)

35 Name: Anonymous : 2007-09-09 20:34 ID:pxHUBsBA [Del]

i agree with the blotter being a really great addition to 4chan, and see no reason why features can't be 'borrowed' if they are particularly useful. It's not like the script was exactly copied.

Kusaba/Trevorchan does have it's usefulness to those who are poor at coding perl. If anything I would like to see the code cleaned up and organized better. I have used Kusaba for a while now and have done a lot of custom editting the php (don't know anything about Perl to be honest), and find it mostly useful. Watched threads is a complete failure, and often finds itself covering up any header info that is added. Board generation can be an issue ESPECIALLY if you are using shared hosting and can't get mod_headers installed. Generating html pages brings the drawback of pages caching on some browsers if you have shared hosting. A lot of the manage panel functions are broken, but I prefer to manually edit the sql tables anyway.

Overall I give Kusaba/Trevorchan 6.5/10 for it's ease to use, but hold it accountable for sloppy code and broken features

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