The Sorry State of Trevorchan (102)

20 Name: Anonymous : 2007-09-04 12:28 ID:d1Vybe+3 [Del]


Who cares how many sites fail; it's the way of the internet. (I've always thought Overchan should have a more dynamic way of keeping track of its chansites, though.)

> Just learn yourself some CODEZ.

Right. See, the thing about writing clean code or defending against vulnerabilities is that in many ways it's dependent on your experience with the language and knowledge of possible vulnerabilities. The notion that webmasters should just get up, learn Perl, and start modifying Wakaba is very contradictory to the notion that they should also be conscious of how well their scripts are running and how vulnerable they are. Anyone can read a programming book and follow the examples but it takes more than just that to learn a language well.

More importantly is most webmasters aren't interested in all of that. They think, "man, I have an awesome idea for a chansite. I can either download and install kusaba, or I can spend several weeks or more modifying the much more efficient Wakaba to meet my goals." Regardless of their age which one do you think they'll pick.

Not to mention Perl isn't the most readable language, so a lot of people feel intimidated from the get-go as soon as they start reading Wakaba's source.

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