Kareha vs TrevorChan (28)

5 Name: Anonymous : 2007-08-18 15:02 ID:r6w8Ib0e [Del]

Well, the databases screwing up. I was trying to use one MySQL DB with different tables for each of the different boards. But then no matter what the individual configs were set at, the boards would all pull their images from each other. So I had images showing up on every board if it was uploaded in any of them OR images that were uploaded properly wouldn't even use the correct img URLs, so they weren't displaying.

It was such a pain that I just dropped trying to use it. I'm not inexperienced in PHP or anything, but it was just so annoying I looked elsewhere. Ended up choosing Thorn. FYI, it's the same as shooting your own foot. It sucks royally.

And Trevorchan is just so easy to create individual boards. I'm assuming I'll have to install Kareha each time I want a new board, even though it won't need the db.

Lastly, I don't know how Kareha works as far as the index goes. Does it turn index to kareha.pl in the .htaccess? Or is there no index?

I like 4-ch (script only), and I was looking for something like that.

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