Proxies, privacy, the law... (39)

1 Name: Hopefully Anonymous : 2007-05-26 13:26 ID:ynukzObx [Del]

This may have already been discussed ad nauseum, and if so please direct me to there.
Having recently discovered the world of imageboards, I have been freely surfing across whatever I have found.
After stumbling unwittingly across some blatent CP (such as on halfchan today), which I am totally against, and discovering other boards that are dedicated to lolicon and whatnot, the paranoid spectre of internet privacy has begun to worry me.
I am not interested in this stuff, and do not click on the links to such- and simply cruise mainly 4chan for porn and for laughs, However, I am starting to doubt whether simply scanning past this stuff is actually a defensible position.
I started to ask about proxy IP's, and and got Tor installed.
But I haven't really used it much.

What is the deal with all this. I read somewhere just minutes ago, that everyone surfs 4chan under a proxy...
Is this the case?
What are the legal issues surrounding all this.

Please discuss.

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