Danbooru type Vs Chan type boards (10)

1 Name: Spade : 2007-05-20 11:39 ID:06qOm1rH [Del]

Which do people favour, of the tpe chan type boards are more common but the danbooru type boards have many advantages, images dont expire, the tag system allows for a fast finding of images you like ect ect - which a dedicated chan userbase can also get.

But booru type boards all crash after ten min because their hosts can't handle the strain.

2 Name: Anonymous : 2007-05-20 12:06 ID:Heaven [Del]

danbooru-type boards are only good for one thing.

3 Name: Anonymous : 2007-05-20 14:33 ID:UPiXiLpN [Del]

unless you own a little google-scale server farm, you can't host danbooru - it's like trying to run library in a small appartment.

4 Name: Anonymous : 2007-05-20 16:35 ID:Heaven [Del]

> little google-scale

5 Name: Anonymous : 2007-05-20 23:16 ID:Heaven [Del]

Can you really call them boards? To me Danbooru and its clones seem more like Photobucket with tags and commenting enabled. Or should that be Youtube with static pictures? Sure, there's overlap in function with image boards but to me Danbooru was first and foremost an image archive.

6 Name: Anonymous : 2007-05-22 21:26 ID:Heaven [Del]

yeah, danbooru is just for (community?) archiving really....
though it does that really well.

7 Name: anonymous : 2007-07-08 19:52 ID:3b7A+Qds [Del]

I kind of prefer the danbooru style because I don't run into as many shitty images as I do 4chan. The black list needs some work though.

8 Name: Piyoko!Hy2U2pAndA : 2008-10-22 23:49 ID:Heaven [Del]

Danbooru style is less fun for attention-whoring spammers and trolls, expecially if people have to be registered to make comments.

Image board style is more conducive to discussion.

Really, I think it all comes down to whether a person prefers apples or oranges.

9 Name: Coach Factory Store : 2012-08-06 08:54 ID:6xxqnZUU [Del]

10 Name: Coach Outlet : 2012-08-08 08:48 ID:EtfMBz5E [Del]

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