Halp (17)

1 Name: Anonymous : 2007-03-04 22:58 ID:k75bvXSl [Del]


I'm gonna open a "chan" site soon. I'l be registering a domain and all. What imageboard software should I use (maybe the same as 4chan's?) other than Thorn?

Would appreciate serious replies. =O

2 Name: Anonymous : 2007-03-04 23:28 ID:Heaven [Del]

>>1 You can't be that clueless, can you?


3 Name: Anonymous : 2007-03-05 00:13 ID:pTJcdpo4 [Del]

Alright, so >>2 is a bit rude but he has his reasons. The boards on iichan/wakachan runs on the software he linked to, so you kinda stepped on a mine there. Anyway, the code is free, fast, secure and customizable. If you can believe the hype it also beats any PHP-based code in performance.

4 Name: Anonymous : 2007-03-05 04:37 ID:Heaven [Del]


Are you going to do this for any other reason than being cool on the internet? Because there are already far more 4chan clones than anyone needs, and adding one more will not make anything better.

What is it with the western internet and this neverending balkanization?

5 Name: Anonymous : 2007-03-05 09:21 ID:4saP+M44 [Del]

I think s/he can do it IF

  1. s/he has a LOT of images relating to the boards that s/he wants to have
  2. s/he posts those images, to get the ball rolling
  3. s/he gets his/her chan listed on overchan or similar, get some visitors.

If the visitors see a bunch of empty boards, they leave. If the visitors see boards they like with pictures they haven't got, they hang around to grab the pictures and MIGHT come back.

But I agree that there are FAR to many empty useless chans as it is...

6 Name: Anonymous : 2007-03-05 12:18 ID:pTJcdpo4 [Del]

>>4 in all fairness, there are a myriad registered boards, many with almost no traffic, and nobody thinks that's weird. I would love it if anonymous boards became as common and mundane. But I do agree that it's unfortunate that new chans keep recreating a basic version of 4chan again and again. That niche is already overcrowded, so it's time to find greener pastures and new audiences.

7 Name: Anonymous : 2007-03-06 10:02 ID:Heaven [Del]

>>5 lol political correct language. lol. lol. s/he used PC

8 Name: Anonymous : 2007-03-07 06:22 ID:ppxKrsNF [Del]

oh come on there does not need to be another chan

go post on 420chan or something

9 Name: Anonymous : 2007-03-07 06:45 ID:Heaven [Del]


syntax error on line 3: 'h' is not a recognized regular expression modifier.
syntax error on line 5: 'h' is not a recognized regular expression modifier.
syntax error at end of post: unterminated substitution.
parsing of post aborted due to multiple errors.

10 Name: Anonymous : 2007-03-07 09:41 ID:dZ33Mha3 [Del]

New chans are potentially great if you pick a special area of focus for your board. Another jack-of-all-trades-board, we need not.

11 Name: EleoChan!EhVtXXdTd6 : 2007-03-07 10:52 ID:m8VFIAhi [Del]

I think >>10 pretty much sums it up. This is where I went wrong and my board never really went anywhere. Your users will ask themselves, "why do I want to post on his /b/ when I can just post on 4chan's /b/?" And so they really never post on your /b/ unless they're extremely bored or feel sorry for you.

But in general the whole internet is saturated with sites doing the same thing. Most of them fail or never go anywhere.

12 Name: Anonymous : 2007-03-08 06:54 ID:pTJcdpo4 [Del]

Going with a specialized board is a good idea, but it does run the risk of remaining unknown. How many know that there's a Galaxy Angel board (http://angel-tai.com/waka/wakaba.html) or a Vita board (http://vita.orzorzorz.org/imgboard/futaba.php)? You have to remind people every now and then without getting run off as a spammer.

One option of course is to add your specialized board(s) to iiChan's collective but there are a few rules to follow and it might not be as gratifying as succeeding independently. Though success is relative, if you get one post a day you're already doing better than some boards on iiChan.

13 Name: Anonymous : 2007-03-08 07:29 ID:wD9XSDfi [Del]

Never heard of those boards myself. For that matter, never heard of Galaxy Angel or Vita either.

(I hope I didn't just download some non-worksafe material into this uni computer :'( )

14 Name: Anonymous : 2007-03-08 18:40 ID:Heaven [Del]

Now I'm home. I just checked. I didn't scroll down to see it then, but it was there. Fuck. Thumbnail load of quite the unsafe image. Scrolled down a bit more. Loli porns. Fan-fucking-tastic. I think I hit Stop before it loaded that much. Logs are made. But they are not archived or anything. They only monitor when they have reason to. It's gonna be fine. I'll be fine.

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