International board on 2ch? (9)

1 Name: Anonymous : 2006-09-04 18:52 ID:qUot67Em [Del]

Sometimes I check out 2ch, mostly the AA boards or the English board, looking for nice art and posts I can actually understand. It's an interesting place, that's for sure, but I've never posted.

I noticed there were a few Americans on the board, some okay, some coming off as a bit attention whorish. I wouldn't mind posting, if not just to reply to people asking for English help or whatever (not that mine's perfect).

Anyway, someone's made a petition for an international board on 2ch.
What do you think the implications of that would be? I doubt this petition will go anywhere, but I think it would be fun to talk to 2ch regulars. From what I gather the some people who post English board people aren't too terribly happy about the Americans posting there, so that might help things.

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