Need of suggestions and ideas for a new message board software. (98)

42 Name: Eleo!EhVtXXdTd6 : 2007-06-23 14:15 ID:ZnLX2qu5 [Del]

Yeah that's kind of cool.

I've been pondering how to properly pull off a video board for a while now. I think TrevorChan has a video function? There was another site I remember that let you simply embed videos in the post text itself (instead of a faux file field), but I can't remember what it was. The size of embedded videos is troubling; but if you shrink the embedded they kind of become too small to enjoy.

It would probably be difficult to automate the making of screenshots of the video given only a link to the video.

Maybe some kind of javascript function could make it so that the embedded video is small (within the 250x250 pixels range) until played, at which point it expands? And shrinks when a different video is played? I don't know balls about javascript so I don't know how feasible it is or how one would pull it off. If someone implemented it I would probably steal the sauce, though.

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