Need of suggestions and ideas for a new message board software. (98)

21 Name: !PGjrfwPI5Q : 2006-10-02 06:37 ID:ozR+VGGC [Del]

What's all this complaining about shutting off people who disable JavaScript? That's about 0.01% of people. What's wrong with JavaScript?

With JS, you can do things you can't otherwise. For example, imagine a board the size of 4chon/b/, where you don't have to press F5. New threads and new posts just appear as they are posted. Now of course you could add META HTTP-EQUIV="Refresh" to the HTML, but that will reload the WHOLE page, while with JS you can load only new content, which means SIGNIFICANTLY less traffic, on a board the size of that.

By the way, I am also thinking about writing a board script, one that scales. I am on /b/ sometimes but even it can be excruteetingly slow and boring at times (to me)... However it's already on the edge of how far server-side-generated PHP/CGI/whatever boards can scale. (Famous "MySQL Connection Error" notwithstanding, MySQL actually scales better than SQLite, but I don't want to flame about that, I don't think a board like this needs a DB or even needs to write to disk at all)

My other idea was to distribute load of a single board between multiple servers but that's not possible with the current XmlHttpRequest implementation in JavaScript becuase they wanted to prevent evil XSS schemes. Any ideas on how to fetch new content from JS from multiple servers? IFRAME:s are not good because a central "index" server is still needed if you get what I mean...

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