A List Apart: Identity Matters (7)

1 Name: Anonymous : 2006-04-05 14:50 ID:idLf3Ikx [Del]


Many popular websites such as Wikipedia offer little differentiation between the experience and tools available to registered users and to anonymous visitors. Many active users of such websites may, therefore, be virtually unknown to their hosts. As most party hosts knows, itfs usually the people who just gshow uph and that you donft know who can create the biggest headaches. As Wikipediafs recent scandals demonstrate, this decision poses several site-management headaches. Well-designed membership systems can allow community managers to head off trouble before it hits the national news. This article provides an understanding of why online identity matters and offers six steps to help you build stronger online communities.

2 Name: Anonymous : 2006-04-05 15:20 ID:rprREHxW [Del]

Just the same fallacy all over again, equating an online personality with a real one.

Until you do actual background checks and require identification upon registration, anybody who doesn't want to participate in a community and just wants to cause trouble can do so just as well with pseudonymity as with anonymity.

He doesn't even refute any of Shii's old points for anonymity.

3 Name: Anonymous : 2006-04-05 15:25 ID:Heaven [Del]

4 Post deleted by moderator.

5 Post deleted by moderator.

6 Name: Anonymous : 2006-05-27 15:44 ID:05xGPYAr [Del]

Does anybody have a copy of Shii's old points?
He has since modified his site

7 Name: !WAHa.06x36 : 2006-05-27 17:34 ID:rprREHxW [Del]

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