*.jp IRC (5)

1 Name: Anonymous : 2005-11-04 19:10 ID:yUTTw6Zr [Del]

How does one access Japanese IRC? Every once in a while I come across an artist I like who apparently maintains a personal channel on "*.jp" IRC, which I would very much like to at least idle in.

Once way back I attempted to find a way onto the network, but couldn't for the life of me figure it out; IIRC, only .jp/.co.jp IP addresses were allowed onto the very few (like, literally six) public servers, and I wasn't able to get a proxy to work correctly.

Does anyone, or, even, has anyone attempted to access this network?

2 Name: Anonymous : 2005-11-05 02:51 ID:Heaven [Del]

Huh? Connect to it like to any other network.

3 Name: Anonymous : 2005-12-01 16:13 ID:n7emFcOI [Del]

irc.tokyo.wide.ad.jp WIDE Project Tokyo NOC, Japan
irc.kyoto.wide.ad.jp WIDE Project Kyoto NOC, Japan
race-server.race.u-tokyo.ac.jp RACE, University of Tokyo, Japan
irc.kyutech.ac.jp Kyushu Institute of Technology.,Iizuka,JAPAN
wsclark.huie.hokudai.ac.jp Hokkaido University,Sapporo,Japan
irc.karrn.ad.jp KARRN Hakozaki NOC
akiu.gw.tohoku.ac.jp Tohoku University, Japan
endo.wide.ad.jp WIDE-NOC of Fujisawa, Japan

Don't really know it those work.

4 Name: Anonymous : 2006-02-18 21:05 ID:tHmyNarV [Del]

Well, there might still be servers in other countries who link to those servers. I remember there used to be some Japanese IRCnet servers back in the day, for instance, but of course foreign users would connect to their local IRCnet servers and not the Japanese ones.

5 Name: Bottega Veneta Outlet : 2012-08-14 03:23 ID:rv8OZZX5 [Del]

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