He Already Has Someone!!!! HELP!!! (12, permasaged)

1 Name: Sakura_Inverse 2005-10-22 04:11 ID:/k3POoa2 [Del]

I don't know what to do.

I'm basically an anime/game otaku. female. 20. I go to college for computer animation because I hope to move to Japan and work on anime.

I finally made a ton of friends in college but now I'm starting to like one of them. Well, I do like him. And I get really nervous around him, but at the same time I can be very direct about it. The only problem is that he already has someone.


They're on a break right now because he thinks that she doesn't really care about him as much as she says that she does because she won't "finish the job" and they don't really do anything except bite eachother's heads off all the time. It sounds, from what he's told me, that she really doesn't appreciate him at all. And that makes me so mad because he's a wonderful guy. Kinda an otaku like me. I'd treat him so much better and he knows this.

Tomorrow night, he's going to see her. He wants to see if she initiates cuddling or anything like that. Or if she just says that she's too tired like she always does.

My history is pretty pathetic. Now, I don't look bad or anything, but out of the 21 guys I've dated in my life, 16 have cheated on me. And that really hurts. I have trouble trusting guys in relationships and I don't want to get my hopes up - ever.

But since this guy has been on a break with her, we've been really hitting it off. He's all over me. But I don't know if it's because I'm just more playful than his semi-girlfriend or if it's me he's interested in. He told me that he liked me, but... I have trust issues, of course.

I don't know what to do.

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