The "hentai" thread (237)

71 Name: Sling 2005-08-27 19:42 ID:Heaven [Del]

>>70 Actually it's very relevant. The question is, has the word loli drifted the same way as the word hentai in English?

Let's make up some definitions.
Japanese's hentai: anyone who is perverted/not aligned with the group's way of thinking, in real life or otherwise, but mostly real life.
English's hentai: Japanese drawings of sexual situations.

Japanese's loli: anyone obsessed with female children, in real life or otherwise, but mostly real life.
English's loli: Japanese drawings of female children in sexual situations.

If this definition of loli in English is correct -- as in, most spread about, -- then it has suffered the same fate as the word hentai. (zomg oh noes!!)

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