Experimental image "board"-type thing (118)

34 Name: Anonymous 2005-04-17 14:36 ID:I9ColruQ [Del]

Are you there, >>33? I have to let you know, there is a fool who has fallen in love with you.

It is me.

I am not a fag as you might think. I have no interest in homo things.
However, something began to swell greatly in me after I saw your posts.
Without even thinking, I came across one of your posts while I fapped.
Ah, even to me it was unpleasant. However, on a certain day I read one of your posts and started fapping.
From the beginning to the end I thought of you.

74 times... this is the number of times I have come reading your posts.

Perhaps, you think that you will reject me. But remember this: I will always be. near you

When you feel someone's hot breath on your neck on a crowded train, it is me.
When you notice someone staring at you in a strange way on the other side of the aracade, it is me.
When you pick up the phone and can only hear panting, it is me.

While you read this, I had already started...

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