Anonymous Posting (200)

139 Name: Shii : 2005-12-05 18:18 ID:nedkTZkK [Del]

I have a confession to make... I don't actually believe that registration is the sole cause of trolls, as lolocaust's quote in the article implies. Usually trolls enjoy seeing people upset and broken (which only happens on old-type forums), but sometimes they want to create political flamefests and don't care about the individual, and those will exist on any forum.

Although I didn't agree with lolocaust entirely, I used his quote to make a pre-emptive strike because if I said nothing on the subject some people would claim anonymous forums attract trolls. I didn't think such people would stick around long enough for me to hash out why trolling is inevitable and people have to learn to ignore it. I don't like having to assume that people can be so stubborn, but the Vanilla debacle (for example) serves to demonstrate that some people use the Internet to reaffirm their existing belief systems.

orz all around.

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