The *chans - General Discussion Thread (255)

56 Name: Anonymous 2005-04-20 11:49 ID:Heaven [Del]

Some thing that came to my mind a few weeks ago when /cam/ was temporarily added to

All imagebord communities are elitist in their own way. Mention another imageboard (other than Japanese ones perhaps) and you instantly get flamed from the local posse, either aggressively like on wtfux or defensive as on wakachan or plain out retarded and dumb like on 4chan.
The funny thing is that this kind of hostility and arrogance is, in general, what all imageboard communites share - it is not something that would set them apart and by that make them special in any way (and wasn't being special the justification for being elitist in the first place?).

Anyway, I just think people should be friendlier towards each other. And if you really care about your imageboard community, don't go elsewhere to flame (okay, maybe on 4chan's /b/) and if you encounter a troll on your boards, ignore them or ridicule them.

And yelling out loud all the time how your imageboard is better than all the others doesn't make you look cool. It makes you look like a troll with an inferiority complex.

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